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Mini Ada Lovelace Day Workshop at Visva Bharati

Computer Centre Visva Bharati Santiniketan West Bengal Visva Bharati National University, Santiniketan, West Bengal, India

Our 3rd Science Communication Workshop will cover how to create Open Access content in Wikipedia. You will learn to be a beginner Wikipedian (like me). Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) are under-represented in Wikipedia. International Ada Lovelace Day aims to raise the profile of notable, but overlooked, women in STEM. The Wikipedian […]


Women in Computing: Her Story

Centre for Computing History 1 Rene Court, Coldhams Road,, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Her Story is an interactive exhibition celebrating women who live, breathe and work computing and tech. The focus is on celebrating women who work or have worked in technology through the stories that they can tell. The festival will include an interactive exhibition (included in standard museum admission price) as well as a series of […]


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Perthshire

McLaren High School Mollands Road, Callander, United Kingdom

McLaren High School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


Year 4 and Ada Lovelace

Netley Primary School Netley Campus, 74 Stanhope Street, London, United Kingdom

We had a group come into our school who performed a spellbinding interactive show about the computing pioneer, entitled ADA. ADA. ADA. We watched as the team put together the most spectacular dress we have ever seen. They spoke about the technology it used to light up and twinkle in lots of variations! We’ve been […]

Women in STEM Reception

Trinity University Center for the Sciences and Innovation, The Cube, One Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX, United States

Come celebrate the accomplishments of women in STEM in honor of Ada Lovelace Day.

Children’s book launch La vida de Ada Lovelace

Universidade Mackenzie Av Consolação, 930, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

La vida de Ada Lovelace, written by Silvia Amélia Bim, a Computer Science lecture, illustrated by Kiara Cabral and translated by Sarah P.P. Garcia is a children's book originally written in Portuguese. It was translated to Spanish with the aim to celebrate the X LAWCC - Latin American Women in Computing Congress (



Sussex Innovation Centre Science Park Square, Brighton, United Kingdom

As part of Brighton Digital Festival and in honour of Ada Lovelace Day (9th October), Sussex Innovation Centre is hosting its first hackathon! The inaugural SINC_HACK is based around the theme of >17%. Women make up just 17% of employees the UK tech sector, and only 17% of start-ups have female founders. The problem has […]


Tea & Tech Talk: Girls STEM Day

Mead Public Library 710 N 8th Street, Sheboygan, WI, United States

Girls ages 8 - 14 can participate in this Ada Lovelace Day-inspired morning workshop which includes Curiosity Labs: Chemiluminescence with MilliporeSigma scientists, flash talks by local women in STEM, blackout poetry circuit art, Ozobots color coding, Makey Makey games, Ada Lovelace Day button making, and tea, lemonade and sweet treats. Preregistration is required.


Creative Computing Club – Ready To Roll

Oxford Centre for Innovation New Road, Oxford, United Kingdom

Inspired by the modern age of information transparency, we are rolling traditional dice into the 21st century. Your kids will create an anti-cheat game-playing network using Micro:bits and the coding language of Python to create an electronic die, before linking it to a master receiver. With a shake of the Micro:bit everyone will get to […]


Ada Lovelace Day: Free React Weekend Workshop

WeWork Finsbury Pavement 131 Finsbury Pavement, London, United Kingdom

Join Flatiron School’s Front End Instructor, Angela Branaes, on-campus for fun Saturday morning workshop of coding to pay homage to Ada Lovelace! You will learn how to make your very first mobile app in React Native, a very useful skill in this mobile-first world. It will be fun both if you’re a beginner and if […]


Computing Women Ramsgate

The Micro Museum 11 Church Hill, Ramsgate., United Kingdom

To celebrate the 175th anniversary of the publication of Ada Lovelace's Notes, containing what would have been the first, workable computer program, visitors to The Micro Museum in Ramsgate on 6 and 7 October will be able to view a slideshow about Ada and some of the other women who helped create our modern digital […]

Standard admission to Museum applies.

Intro to coding – Sphero Workshop

Canada Science and Technology Museum 1867 St Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Can you make a Sphero robot go round and round, or climb up a ramp? Get your digits and neurons moving with this hands-on coding activity. Use your creativity and know-how to complete fun challenges. Recommended for participants ages 8 years and up. This special event is in honour of the upcoming Ada Lovelace Day, […]

Cream Tea with Inspirational Women

Porlock Village Hall Toll Road, Porlock, Somerset, United Kingdom

A celebration of Ada Lovelace, who inspired Victorian women, Porlock hosts an event with modern women who inspire. Somerset Cream Tea will be served in the interval, between the five speakers


Finding Ada: the legacy of Ada Lovelace

Lewisham Unitarian Meeting House 41 Bromley Road, Lewisham, London, United Kingdom

This Sunday we will be celebrating the life and work of mathematician Ada Lovelace. 'ALD' or Ada Lovelace day, on October 9th, celebrates her achievements and those of women in science and technology but fewer people know that she was also a Unitarian. We will also have with us Debbie Parker-Kinch, who is researching the […]

Celebrating women in STEM and higher cognitive functions

School of Psychology University of Birmingham Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom

We celebrated Ada Lovelace Day with a look at the many inspirational women whose work we cover in the Higher Cognitive Functions course: Prof Nicola Clayton Prof Terry Kit-Fong Au Prof Dana Samson Prof Sarah-Jayne Blakemore Dr Shayna Rosenbaum Prof Teresa McCormack Prof Irene Pepperberg Prof Laura Schulz Prof Ellen Langer Prof Cristina Atance

Ada Lovelace Day at the Stephen Perse Foundation

Stephen Perse Foundation Senior School Union Rd, Cambridge, United Kingdom

With a sustainability hackathon, talks from speakers such as Catherine Breslin from the Amazon Alexa speech recognition project, assemblies, careers displays, a trip to the Computing museum and a code cracking treasure hunt, we are celebrating Ada Lovelace Day with a bang!


Ada Lovelace – an Artistic Installation

CardiffMet CST and CSM 200 Western Avenue, Cardiff, United Kingdom

At entrance of the Cardiff School of Technologies and Cardiff School of Management at Cardiff Metropolitan University we are celebrating Ada Lovelace day (9th of October) with an artistic installation of an image of Ada Lovelace. The machine control of the CNC machine that made the wooden grid holding the balloons was originally conceived by […]


Trevithick Library Wikithon

Cardiff University Trevithick Library Newport Road, Cardiff, United Kingdom

Wikipedia session encouraging new editors on subjects related to women and science, technology, engineering and maths.


Ada Lovelace Quiz @ Paddle

Paddle London 15 Bermondsey Square, London, United Kingdom

The wonderful ladies at Paddle are organising a breakfast quiz that will test our knowledge in tech history.


Ada College Impact Strategy Launch

The National Theatre Upper Ground, Lambeth, London, United Kingdom

Join us for breakfast on 8 October to honour Ada Lovelace Day, when we will celebrate diversity in tech and launch our impact strategy for what's next for Ada as we grow and continue to deliver our mission. Ada is committed to working with industry to design and deliver an education that empowers all of our students, especially young women […]


Sfide di programmazione con Sphero

Opificio Golinelli Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 14, Bologna, Italy

In occasione della Europe Code Week Fondazione Golinelli e YOOX-NET-A-PORTER GROUP propongono alle scuole un programma di attività gratuite. Durante questa settimana celebreremo anche l’Ada Lovelace Day, dedicando alcuni workshop proprio a questa icona dell’informatica con l’obiettivo di promuovere la diffusione della cultura digitale soprattutto tra le giovani ragazze. Durante il workshop sperimenteremo la programmazione […]


Ada Lovelace Day 2018 – Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

Aula Magna Campus Folcara via Sant'Angelo in Theodice, Cassino, Frosinone, Italy

To the Difference Engine Ada Lovelace, “incantatrice dei numeri” (1815-1852) L’Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale partecipa per il terzo anno, l’8 ottobre 2018, alla giornata mondiale in onore di Ada Lovelace, considerata la prima programmatrice della storia del computer, una giornata che ha come obiettivo ridurre la disparità di genere e il digital […]


Ada Lovelace Day celebration at the School of Mathematical Sciences

University of Southampton, Mathematical Sciences Student Centre Building 56, Highfield Campus, Southampton, United Kingdom

13:00 - 13:30: Female mathematicians through history Mathematical Sciences staff and PhD students tell the stories of some female mathematicians, from the 4th to the 21st century. 12:30 - 14:00: Lunch and posters Drop in at any time to enjoy some lunch and have a look at our posters celebrating women's contributions to Mathematical Sciences. […]


Wiki Edit-A-Thon: Women and Diversity in Science

Digital Science WeWork Kings Cross, 90 York Way, London, United Kingdom

Join our communal update on 8 Oct from 5-9pm to improve the coverage of women and diversity in science on Wikipedia! Wikipedia is the first to admit that they have some big gender and diversity gaps. In 2011 only 10% of wiki contributors were female and in 2018 only 17% of entries are about women. […]


Taller ¿Qué hacen las apps mientras recogen mis datos? Deconstruyendo la programación de aplicaciones

Medialab-Prado Plaza de las Letras, Calle de la Alameda, 15, Madrid, Spain

¿Sabemos qué hacen nuestras aplicaciones favoritas con nuestros datos? Un taller práctico para aprender sobre la programación y el diseño de aplicaciones desde una metodología lúdica inspirada en el teatro social, una herramienta de reflexión-acción colectiva para todos los públicos. Esta actividad se realiza en el marco de la exposición Glass Room Experience, una iniciativa […]


ThoughtWorks Barcelona and Ironhack present: Ada Lovelace Day

Ironhack Barcelona Carrer de Pamplona, 96, Barcelona, Spain

ThoughtWorks Barcelona and Ironhack would like to invite you to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day! About the event: We want to provide a safe and encouraging event where women in any STEM field can share their experiences, passions, and learnings as they forge ahead in their career. If you are interested in speaking at our event […]


Suffrage Science Awards- Maths and Computing

British Library 96 Euston Road, London, United Kingdom

The Suffrage Science scheme was founded seven years ago by the Medical Research Council’s London Institute of Medical Sciences (then Clinical Sciences Centre). It celebrates and inspires women in science, creating a self-perpetuating cohort of talent that will encourage others to enter science and reach senior leadership roles. The awards themselves are heirloom items of […]


Celebrating Women in STEM at Intelliware on October 9th

Intelliware Development 200 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This year, October 9th is a special day at Intelliware. This day is aimed at celebrating and educating girls and women about careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and STEM-related fields.  Not only will we be hosting our sixth annual Ada Lovelace Day Celebration, we will also be hosting a Meetup for Toronto’s […]


Gloucestershire STEM Network Introduction to Coding

Gloucestershire STEM Network Oxstalls Campus, Oxstalls Lane, Longlevens, Gloucester, United Kingdom

In order to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day, the Gloucestershire STEM Network is hosting a virtual event suitable for all ages and abilities who are interested and excited by technology. So grab your computer and get ready to enter the world of code! We’ve suggested some coding challenges for you to take part in. There are […]


White Rose project finding Ada

Gimnazija Velika Gorica, Croatia Tomaševićeva 21, Velika Gorica, Zagrebačka županija, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

In our school students will make video of themselves role playing famous woman in science, starting with Ada Lovelace. Video will be used as a part of Erasmus+ project WHIRO and posted online.


Lovelace Primary School

Lovelace Primary School Mansfield Road, Chessington, Surrey, United Kingdom

Lovelace Primary school are planning a super learning day to celebrate Ada Lovelace. To mark International Ada Lovelace Day, staff of Lovelace, with staff and students from Royal Holloway University and Zoe Philpott have prepared a very special day of learning to investigate Ada’s contribution to science, coding & computing and how this relates to current […]


Ada Lovelace Day at Wimbledon High School

Wimbledon High School Mansel Road, Wimbledon, London, United Kingdom

A day packed with celebration of women in science, and all our STEAM activities. Assemblies, form activities, lunchtime clubs and a talk from a WHS Alumna.


Ada Lovelace Day 2018, from building bridges to the bridge of the SS Enterprise

St Nicolas School Link Road, Newbury, West Berkshire, United Kingdom

Each year group has been selected a woman who has made a significant contribution to STEM subjects. An eclectic bunch; Jane Goodall, Sarah Guppy, Rosalind Franklin and Nichelle Nichols…they are chosen to give the children an insight into the very different roles women can play and also the very different historical times they lived in, […]


Video of female members of ECS – Ada Lovelace Celebration

University of Southampton University Road, Southampton, United Kingdom

We are making a video of female members of ECS, past and present, to show the range of wonderful women in the department! ECS Empower is a group started by students to support minorities in the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton.


Aviva Canada Ada Lovelace Day

Aviva Canada 10 Aviva Way, Suite 100, Markham, Ontario, Canada

Do you feel strongly about creating a more gender diverse and inclusive workplace? Join us in Markham on October 9th to hear from industry leaders as they discuss topics related to gender parity, women & innovation and diversity & inclusion.

Ada Lovelace Day – Vichi De Marchi

Biblioteca Classense Via Alfredo Baccarini 3, Ravenna, Italy

L'Ada Lovelace day è un evento internazionale dedicato alle scienziate e ai loro risultati in ambito scientifico, tecnico, ingegneristico e matematico. L'evento è nato in Inghilterra nel 2009 e ha lo scopo di incoraggiare le ragazze a intraprendere gli studi STEM (Scienze, Tecnologie, Ingegneria, Matematica). Ada Lovelace è stata una matematica inglese considerata oggi la […]

Increasing Women’s representation on Wikipedia virtual event

Women's Equality Party Milton Keynes Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

To mark Ada Lovelace Day 2018, WEP MK will be supporting a hackathon aiming to increase the representation of women on Wikipedia. In the run up to the date, we will be inviting suggestions for content, and calling for volunteer readers or editors. Watch this space! Want to learn more - then follow this link […]


Hopwood Primary – Ada Lovelace Day

Hopwood Community Primary School Magdala Street, Heywood, Rochdale, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Class celebration using LEGO WeDo to code a motor and using Scratch to create Ada’s poetry generator in our after school club.


JAGS Ada Lovelace

James Allen's Girls' School 144 East Dulwich Grove, London, United Kingdom

Assembly and other school celebrations


ALD at St Joseph’s Whitburn

St Joseph's RC Primary School Gateside Road, Whitburn, West Lothian, United Kingdom

P5 had their first taste of coding. We designed an alien on paper and then used Scratch to create a digital version.

Finding Ada Scavenger Hunt

Transport for London 55 Broadway, London, SW1H 0BD, United Kingdom

Happy #AdaLovelaceDay! To celebrate Ada and women in STEM , we're excited to tell you all about our #FindingAva Scavenger Hunt! The prize? A London Transport VIP Bumper Package, including: A ride in a London Underground cab A year’s access to the London Transport Museum A tour of the London Underground Control Centre How to take part: Screenshot […]


WinSTEM week

Various locations in Alberta Canada Alberta, Canada

Celebrating Women in STEM, past - present -future, in Alberta Canada.


Encouraging & Celebrating Women in Tech with ThoughtWorks Sydney

ThoughtWorks Sydney Level 10, 50 Carrington Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Join us for the next By ThoughtWorks tech-talk series. Mingle, learn, and hang out with those wanting to keep up with the latest in technology. It’s our shout, so please join us for a light breakfast with some networking. ADA LOVELACE DAY - ENCOURAGING & CELEBRATING WOMEN IN TECH This year ThoughtWorks is hosting a By ThoughtWorks special […]


Olympia High School Ada Lovelace Day

Olympia High School 1302 North Street SE, Olympia, WA, United States

Our school will be celebrating Ada throughout the day in our school building.


PXL-IT Ada Lovelace Day

PXL Congress Cafetaria, Elfde-Liniestraat 24, Hasselt, Belgium

Het departement PXL-IT verwent de vrouwelijke studenten en docenten op dinsdag 9 oktober allemaal met een lekker ontbijt in PXL-Congress.

F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – City and Islington

City and Islington Sixth Form College Goswell Road, Clerkenwell, London, United Kingdom

City and Islington Sixth Form College have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Dorking

The Ashcombe School Ashcombe Road, Dorking, Surrey, United Kingdom

The Ashcombe School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – West Calder

West Calder High School Limefield, Polbeth, West Calder, United Kingdom

West Calder High School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Notre Dame

Notre Dame High School St George's Road, London

Notre Dame High School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Stirling

Stirling High School Torbrex Farm Road, Stirling, United Kingdom

Stirling High School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Glasgow

Pirie Park Primary School Langlands Road, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Pirie Park Primary School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Torriano

Torriano Primary School Torriano Avenue, Camden, London, United Kingdom

Torriano Primary School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Bathgate

Bathgate Academy Edinburgh Road, Bathgate, West Lothian, United Kingdom

Bathgate Academy have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Simpson

Simpson Primary School West Lothian, Bathgate

Simpson Primary School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


Founders4Schools event at the Crick Institute

Crick Institute 1 Midland Road, London, United Kingdom

Founders4Schools will be hosting an event at The Francis Crick Institute to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day and our annual Awards for those in our communities who are doing the most to help students with their transition to work.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Bradford

Bradford Grammar School Keighley Road, Bradford, United Kingdom

Bradford Grammar School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Bristol

Digitech Studio School Tower Road North, Warmley, Bristol, United Kingdom

Digitech Studio School have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


Ada Lovelace Day Celebrations – York College

YORK COLLEGE Sim Balk Lane, York, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

York College have arranged two days of Ada Lovelace Day themed celebrations, including talks and Q&A sessions from local businesses, a poster competition, stands about careers and STEM courses, and a take over of the college TV screens with famous women in STEM and their achievements.


Panel – Diversity and Inclusion in Tech with REA Group

REA Group HQ 511 Church Street, Richmond 3207, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Join us for breakfast to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance. Diversity and inclusion remains a priority for every company. Diverse teams are more innovative, make better decisions and build better products. Hear from technology companies that are committed to create lasting change to […]


Ada Lovelace day @ Nationwide, supporting women in technology

Steam museum Fire Fly Avenue, Swindon, United Kingdom

Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of women working in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). This year, Nationwide is holding a special event at the STEAM Museum in Swindon, open to all women, but specifically those returning to work in careers in technology after taking time out and those looking to get into […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Feira de Ciências

Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Trabalhador são-carlense, 400 - Parque Arnold Schimidt, São Carlos, Brazil

Como todas as segundas terças-feiras de outubro de cada ano, celebramos o Dia Internacional de Ada Lovelace. O objetivo da data é comemorar as importantes conquistas realizadas pelas mulheres no campo da ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática (STEM) como inspiração para as gerações atuais e futuras. Para comemorar esse dia, o GRACE preparou algumas atividades... […]

Girls in Tech Celebration at Palmerston North City Library

Palmerston North City Library 4 The Square, Palmerston North, Manawatu, New Zealand

Ada Lovelace day celebrates one of the world's first computer programmers and the contributions of other women in science and technology professions. This free workshop, (for girls only) offers a variety of fun and interesting gadgets and interactive technology to experience and play with. Limited numbers. Bring some morning tea if you think you will […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Montelibretti dell’Istituto di Cristallografia

Area della Ricerca di Roma 1 Strada Provinciale 35d, Montelibretti, Rome, Italy

Ogni secondo martedì del mese di Ottobre si celebra "Ada Lovelace Day"; giornata dedicata alle donne nelle carriere Scientifiche, Tecnologiche, Ingegneristiche e Matematiche (STEM) e alle studentesse che vogliono intraprendere gli studi universitari in questi ambiti disciplinare. Quest'anno, la sede di Montelibretti dell'Istituto di Cristallografia, il giorno 9 Ottobre, organizza una visita dell'Area della Ricerca […]

Circuit Playground – giocare e inventare con l’elettronica

Opificio Golinelli Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 14, Bologna, Italy

In occasione della Europe Code Week Fondazione Golinelli e YOOX-NET-A-PORTER GROUP propongono alle scuole un programma di attività gratuite. Durante questa settimana celebreremo anche l’Ada Lovelace Day, dedicando alcuni workshop proprio a questa icona dell’informatica con l’obiettivo di promuovere la diffusione della cultura digitale soprattutto tra le giovani ragazze. Durante il workshop, avremo modo di […]


Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day at NHSBT Liverpool

Liverpool Blood Centre 14 Estuary Banks, Speke, Liverpool, United Kingdom

NHS Blood and Transplant is celebrating Ada Lovelace Day on 9th October 2018 and we invite you to get involved too. Ada Lovelace Day honours and promotes the achievements of women who work in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). The aim is to encourage girls to go into STEM careers and support those already […]

Ada Lovelace Day : les filles osez le numérique

Inria Nancy - Grand Est 615 Rue du Jardin-Botanique, Villers-lès-Nancy, France

Le 9 octobre prochain, niveau le centre Inria Nancy - Grand Est accueillera une centaine de jeunes filles (niveau 3e et 2nde) de l'académie de Nancy-Metz. Cet accueil coïncidera avec le Ada Lovelace Day , journée dont l'objectif est de célébrer les réalisations des femmes dans les Sciences, la Technologie, l'ingénierie et les Mathématiques STEM). Les objectifs […]

TECH(K)NOW DAY on Ada Lovelace Day 2018

The Curtain 45 Curtain Road, London, United Kingdom

WELCOME to the 4th TECH(K)NOW Day LONDON!  JOIN WOMEN in TECH and WOMEN in STARTUPS on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 09, from 9am to 5pm for a special event on Ada Lovelace Day! TECH(K)NOW DAY has been organised to provide a place and venue for anyone who identifies as a woman to go and learn new tech skills (see details below).   If you […]


Ada Lovelace Day 2018 – Siemens Rail Automation

Siemens Rail Automation, Chippenham Pew Hill, Chippenham, United Kingdom

Siemens Rail Automation, Chippenham is organizing an event to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2018, which also happens to be Rail Week and Year of Engineering. The event is divided into two parts: a day session (09:30am to 2:00pm) where pupils from schools around Chippenham will be hosted on site and given tours of the manufacturing […]


Swansea Ada Lovelace Day

Swansea University, Computational Foundry Boardroom CF401, Swansea University Bay Campus, Fabian Way, Swansea, United Kingdom

The Athena SWAN group in Computational Foundry, in collaboration with the College of Engineering will be holding breakfast meet and greet in honour of Ada Lovelace Day. Please feel free to drop by and say hello - we look forward to meeting our new neighbours!

Malvern Festival of Innovation – Next Generation Innovators

Three Counties Showground Malvern, United Kingdom

A day showcasing creative science, technology, and entrepreneurship for middle and senior school students (Years 7 to 9) from around the region. Bring your class to listen to lectures, participate in hands-on workshops, and tour an extensive exhibition of organisations. The event is free to attend, but schools (or home-educating parents) need to register in advance. Some activities will […]


Ada Lovelace Day, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham

School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham. Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham, United Kingdom

The Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of women's achievements in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). The aim of this day is to increase the profile and visibility of women in STEM, to encourage more girls into STEM careers and to support women already in STEM. This year School of Computer Science at […]


Ada Lovelace Arduino Challenge

STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Campus, Didcot, United Kingdom

Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths. To celebrate, RAL will be hosting a computing challenge day for teams of four students from Year 8 or 9. The day is designed to introduce students to the excitement of computing - teams will be given […]


Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day at NHSBT Bristol

Filton Blood Centre North Bristol Park, Filton, Bristol, United Kingdom

NHS Blood and Transplant is celebrating Ada Lovelace Day on 9th October 2018 and we invite you to get involved too. Ada Lovelace Day honours and promotes the achievements of women who work in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). The aim is to encourage girls to go into STEM careers and support those already […]

Nesta Ada Lovelace Day Celebration

Nesta 58 Victoria Embankment, London, United Kingdom

The team at Nesta will be taking part in a lego invention challenge! We will be sharing our inventions via social media so watch out. Also keep an eye out for our report about female innovators (And lack of them) coming in early November.  


Ada Lovelace: The New Generation

Museum of Science and Industry Liverpool Road, Manchester, United Kingdom

To celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2018 Manchester Digital is running an event to inspire and empower young women in the Greater Manchester region: Ada Lovelace: The New Generation While Ada Lovelace is where it all began, we want to keep the momentum going and inspire current and future generations of women to take up careers […]


Ada Lovelace Day – EQUS – Physics and Astro Macquarie

Physics and Astronomy Department, Macquarie University Level 2 Building E6B 7 Wally’s Walk Macquarie University North Ryde, Sydney, NSW, Australia

We will present the Ada Lovelace Day initiative, with some local and international references. We will invite to PhD students, Post-Doctoral researchers and permament researchers within our department to give short talks about what inspired them to undertake a STEM career. Finally, we will present the Women in STEM Decadal Plan from the Australian Academy […]


Ada Lovelace Day no DC-UFSCar

Universidade Federal de São Carlos DC/UFSCar, Rodovia Washington Luís, São Carlos, Brazil

O dia de Ada Lovelace é uma comemoração internacional realizada na segunda terça-feira de outubro que visa celebrar a participação das mulheres na ciência, tecnologia, engenharias e matemática. Há manifestações diversas pelo mundo que compõem essa celebração e, esse ano, vamos fazer uma no DC também! Nossa celebração começa às 11h com a preparação coletiva […]


ALD 2018 at The University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh Teaching Studio G.07, Murchison House, King's Buildings, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

On Tuesday 9th October 2018, the University’s Information Services team are running an edit-a-thon to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2018 which is an international celebration day of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). This year the event will have a particular focus on Contemporary Women in STEM and #ALD2018 is to be hosted […]


IT University Copenhagen Ada Lovelace Day

IT University of Copenhagen Room 3A30, Rued Langgaardsvej 7, Copenhagen S, Denmark

The ETHOS Lab will be hosting an informal hour of celebration in honour of Ada Lovelace Day.


WISDOM Welcome Lunch

Royal Holloway Room 229, McCrea Building, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom

October 9th is Ada Lovelace day, an annual celebration of women's achievements in the STEM fields - and therefore the perfect day for Royal Holloway's first WISDOM (Women in the Security Domain and/or Mathematics) event of the academic year! Please join us to celebrate diversity and welcome new and current students, through a buffet lunch […]


Women in Technology at Sky Betting & Gaming

Sky Betting and Gaming 6 Wellington Place, Leeds, United Kingdom

A celebration of Ada Lovelace Day and other inspirational females in technology! At Sky Betting & Gaming we are actively working to improve the gender imbalance in technology. One of the ways we do this is not only by raising the profile of successful female technologists and creating role models for the future generations but […]


Ada Lovelace Day at WWU – Celebrating Womxn in STEM

Western Washington University CB275, 516 High Street, Bellingham, WA, United States

Ada Lovelace is famous for being the world’s first computer programmer. In honor of Ada, as well as the many womxn in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEM), we are hosting an informal drop-in reception and mixer. It's the 10th Annual Ada Lovelace Day! Faculty, staff, and students of all identities who would like […]

FEPS Ada Lovelace Day Symposium

University of Southampton Highfield Campus Mountbatten Seminar Room, University Road, Southampton, United Kingdom

How much do you know about the subjects in the new faculty? Join us at the FEPS Ada Lovelace Day Symposium to listen to the stories of the women that shaped the subjects in the new faculty. All the talks will be at a general interest level so no need to worry if you’re not […]

Ada Lovelace Day Careers Event

BioCity Pennyfoot Street, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Ignite!, BioCity, Nottingham Trent University, Futures and STEM ambassadors are putting on a careers event for year 7/8 girls in Nottingham. Pupils will take part in stereotype-busting activities, listen to talks from women working in STEM and find out about how their own personal skills would suit different careers.


Ada Lovelace Day at University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

We would like to invite you to Ada Lovelace Day, October 9, 2018 at University of Birmingham, UK. This independent event is a part of an international celebration of achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Ada Lovelace Day at University of Birmingham will include a number of speakers: Dr Kierann Shah - […]


Celebrate Ada Lovelace Day – Colorado

University of Colorado Boulder The Gemmill Engineering, Math & Physics Library, Math 150, 2300 Colorado Avenue, Boulder, CO, United States

When: October 9, 2018, 12 - 3 p.m. Where: The Gemmill Engineering, Math & Physics Library, Math 150 What: October 9 is Ada Lovelace Day, an international day of celebration of women and women-identified people in STEM. Come to the Gemmill and help us increase the profile of women in STEM at our Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon. No registration required! We’ll be adding and updating […]

What role should artificial intelligence play in government?

Institute for Government 2 Carlton Gardens, London, United Kingdom

In government, algorithms have the potential to make public service delivery more efficient and personalised. But that’s just the start. This event will consider the opportunities and challenges for government as computers become more powerful, data becomes more abundant and progress in artificial intelligence continues apace. Joining us on Ada Lovelace Day, an annual celebration of […]

@CapellaU: Ada Lovelace Day Twitter Chat

Capella University Capella Tower, 225 South 6th Street, 9th Floor, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Join Capella University for a live Twitter chat about women in IT in honor of Ada Lovelace Day, starting at 1 p.m. CST @CapellaU #CapellaChat #AdaLovelaceDay Online event only.


Who was Ada Lovelace and how she shaped my life.

Lecture theatre E01 Llandaff site Cardiff Metropolitan University 200 Western Avenue, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Kathryn Davies, Head Of User Research presents her lecture on how her life in science was influence by work of Ada Lovelace. -------- Mae Kathryn Davies, pennaeth ymchwil defnyddwyr yn cyflwyno ei darlith ar sut roedd ei bywyd ym maes gwyddoniaeth yn cael ei ddylanwadu gan waith Ada Lovelace


“My Journey Through Technology” An Ada Lovelace Day Initiative

Barclays Babbage House, Knutsford, Cheshire, United Kingdom

******Internal Barclays Event***** An interactive event with Barclays role models (men and women). Selina O’Neill (BA4) – BUK Project Management Office Sarah Ford (VP) - BUK Service Management Darren Earnshaw (D) – BUK Ventures Nicola Jenkinson (D) – BUK CFI & Savings Tracy Bessant (MD) – GTIS Transformation During the event the role models will […]


Web cast of Who was Ada Lovelace and how she shaped my life

CardiffMet CST and CSM 200 Western Avenue, Cardiff, United Kingdom

Who was Ada Lovelace and how she shaped my life. Kathryn Davies, Head Of User Research 13:00-14:00 Tuesday 9th of October use this link to watch the web cast Intial hold page then it will start record the activities in the lecture theartre from 13:00 until 14:00. The recording will be edited post […]


3° Ada Lovelace Day

Universidade Federal da Paraíba Centro de Ciências Aplicadas e Educação - CCAE, Av. Santa Elisabete, Rio Tinto, Brazil

Desde 2009, comemora-se na segunda terça-feira do mês de outubro o Ada Lovelace Day. Batizado com o nome daquela que é considerada a primeira programadora do mundo, a data é uma celebração das conquistas femininas em áreas que até hoje são dominadas por homens. Uma data para celebrar e encorajar a participação feminina nas áreas […]

Ada Lovelace Day at The Pankhurst Centre

The Pankhurst Centre 60-62 Nelson Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Ada Lovelace and Suffragette Celebrations with a Global Wiki Edit-a-Thon The Zebra Partnership have joined forces with a variety of organisations to host an amazing event to celebrate women some who have literally been written out of history. As well as celebrating all that is Ada Lovelace, Emmeline Pankhurst, Edith Rigby and their fellow Suffragettes, […]


Pioneering women in mathematics

Guildhall Art Gallery and London's Roman Amphitheatre Guildhall Yard, London, United Kingdom

“A woman can win the victory, though she may not wear the wreath” From Hypatia, murdered by a Christian mob in 415CE, to Ada Lovelace ‘the enchantress of numbers’ and Florence Nightingale ‘the passionate statistician’, there have been women who have loved mathematics and, in defiance of the social and intellectual mores of the day, […]


Beyond Numbers: a celebration of Ada Lovelace

Sussex Humanities Lab, University of Sussex SILVERSTONE SB211, Arts Road, Falmer,, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Ada Lovelace Day, held on the second Tuesday of October every year, is an international celebration of the achievements of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths which aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and create new role models for both girls and women studying or working in STEM. “Beyond Numbers” coincides […]

Free, RSVP

Cafe Scientifique Talk

Kennaway House Kennaway House, Coburg Road, Sidmouth, Devon, United Kingdom

Cafe Scientifique Talk: Getting to Grips with Friction - an interactive guide Dr Julia Carrell, IMechE, University of Sheffield Using bananas, grapes, chips, telephone directories, rice and rugby balls to demonstrate why friction is important.


Ada Lovelace Day Celebration at Mead Public Library

Mead Public Library 710 N 8th Street, Sheboygan, WI, United States

Drop-in for Makey Makey games, Ozobot coding, littleBits music, LEGO and straw construction, and Ada Lovelace Day button making. Open to all ages, but children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.


Me, myself and I: A very personal journey

University of Essex Room 1N1.4.1, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, United Kingdom

In this talk, Prof. Maria fasli will be describing how she has gone about her professional career, navigating the occasionally nebulous world of academia. This is about a very personal journey, the trials and tribulations, lessons learnt but also breakthroughs and successes. About the Speaker: Maria is currently a Professor in the School of Computer […]

Women in STEM Speed Networking

Ada. National College for Digital Skills Broad Lane, London, United Kingdom

Ada, the National College for Digital Skills, is a new centre of excellence for teaching advanced digital skills to develop a future-skilled workforce from diverse backgrounds. Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration day of the achievements of women in STEM. It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, in doing so, […]


The Norwegian Electrians and IT Workers Union (EL og IT Forbundet) – Ada Lovelace day

Oslo Congress Senter Youngs gate 21, Oslo, Oslo, Norway

We're hosting a small get-together with interesting talks. Food serving from 4 pm to 4.30 pm (food for 50 persons max Confirmed talks: Hanne Lin Skogvang, editor in chief of the Norwegian feminist magazine "Fett"), will talk about a feministic perspective on technology. Female Legends: Lillie Klefelt and Liza Lind will share their experiences with […]


Giornata di Ada Lovelace – Codice Rosa

MEM - Mediateca del Mediterraneo Via Mameli n. 164, Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy

Martedì 9 ottobre 2018 dalle 16:00 alle 18:00, nella MEM – Mediateca del Mediterraneo, a Cagliari in via Mameli 164, si tiene l'evento: "Giornata di Ada Lovelace". L'iniziativa è gratuita ed è rivolta alle ragazze e ai ragazzi dagli 8 ai 13 anni. L'attività è organizzata da Codice Rosa e dal CoderDojo Quartu nell'ambito del Tech Fest, festival svolto in concomitanza con la Europe Code Week, la Settimana Europea del Coding. Codice Rosa è un […]


Inspiring women and girls in STEM – celebrating Ada Lovelace Day

Engine Shed: The Junction Station Approach, Temple Meads, Bristol, United Kingdom

In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day, the woman who is widely regarded as the first ever computer programmer, Engine Shed and SETsquared bring together a panel of women in STEM to talk about their tech careers, which have developed into something much more entrepreneurial. The event will be a place for women in tech and girls […]


Ada Lovelace Day 2018 – A night of fire side chats, talks and live music

Boiler Shop 20 South Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

What are we doing? The Tech for Life team invite you to join us in celebrating  Ada Lovelace Day on Tuesday October 9th from 4pm - 7pm. We will have a panel of our very own experts from across the STEAM fields who will be giving us insights into their career journey, challenges and experiences. Doors […]


Danish women in Tech – come and celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2018

3Shape Holmens Kanal 7, København, Denmark

3Shape and the Department of Computer Science DIKU – University of Copenhagen, are joining forces to celebrate the Ada Lovelace Day 2018 in Denmark! You are kindly invited to spend an afternoon of talk, networking and refreshments - a day dedicated to women who have chosen technological and scientific paths sharing their stories. The achievements […]


Hoppers Ada Lovelace Day Evening

University of Edinburgh, Informatics Forum 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

(Room 4.31/4.32) Join us for an evening of talks and networking to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day. We've got two fantastic speakers Jane Hillston who is the Head of School in Informatics, and Udita Banerjee from RBS.


Wikithon – Mujeres científicas a Wikipedia

Wayra Telefónica Gran Vía, 28, Madrid, Spain

El objetivo de esta iniciativa es visibilizar a científicas, investigadoras y tecnólogas, añadiendo a Wikipedia sus perfiles en español. Buscamos apoyar la iniciativa de la Dra. Jessica Wade, que durante 1 año ha subido diariamente un perfil de una mujer científica a Wikipedia, para aumentar la representación y la visibilidad de las mujeres en la ciencia. […]

Ada Hour

Stockton-on-Tees Central Library Church Road, Stockton-on-Tees, United Kingdom

Come & celebrate Ada Lovelace Day with us. Have a go at generating Ada inspired poetry using Scratch.


NFC is Magic – Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day 2018

Dainton Building, University of Sheffield S3 7HF Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Celebrate Ada Lovelace Day with an evening of high-tech creativity! Even if you're not techy, come and explore some of the stuff that's craft, design, and as close to magical as it gets. Make and keep a necklace that can trigger events on your phone! Light a bulb with a magic wand! Solve problems with […]


How science got women wrong by Angela Saini

Oxford Martin School 34 Broad Street, Oxford, United Kingdom

Shedding light on controversial research and investigating the ferocious gender wars in biology, psychology and anthropology, Angela Saini, to mark Ada Lovelace Day, will talk about how women are being rediscovered. She'll explore what these revelations mean for us as individuals and as a society, revealing an alternative view of science in which women are included, rather than excluded. […]


Maryville University Library – Ada Lovelace Day

Maryville University Library 610 Maryville University Drive, St. Louis, MO, United States

Ada was coding in the 1800s! Come to Library to learn about her and meet modern women in tech. Maryville University Library will host a panel of women in technology featuring: Stacy Hollins, Ph.D. Assitant Dean in the Simon School of Business at Maryville University Mindy Krawiecki Vice President for Apps Development at Citibank Erica […]


Ada Lovelace Day Science Salon

Centro Cultural César Chávez Oregon State University 691 SW 26th St, Corvallis, OR, United States

Ada Lovelace is considered by many to be the “first computer programmer.” Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). In July Oregon Senator Ron Wyden introduced a bill to declare October 9th National Ada Lovelace Day in the U.S. OREGON STATE ADVANCE and 500womenscientists Corvallis have partnered to host a […]


Tech Industry Talks at University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow Sir Alwyn Williams Building, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

It's Ada Lovelace Day! Come along for a fantastic evening full of inspirational stories and career advice from high-flying women in the UK tech industry. We will have several speakers from different companies (including Bloomberg and Morgan Stanley) who will each give a talk. Afterwards, Bloomberg will screen a short film, and then we will […]


Ada Lovelace Day @ Ada’s Team

University of Alberta Computing Science Center, 8900 114 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

We will be having sandwiches and FREE Davids tea while watching some YouTube videos of the inspiring years before. We will finish off the night with some trivia and perhaps some prizes!


Wiki-edit-a-thon with Stemettes

Imperial College London 180 Queen’s Gate, South Kensington, London, United Kingdom

Digital Science have teamed up with Stemettes to organise a Wiki-edit-a-thon in October with the aim of addressing the diversity imbalance in Wikipedia entries. We’re looking for experienced editors plus those with no experience (but a lot of enthusiasm for writing and/or fact-checking!). Light refreshments will be provided. Completely FREE, thanks to our wonderful sponsors […]


A celebration of Women in Technology at Brain Barn

Brain Barn 182 East Queen Street, Pendleton, SC, United States

Brain Barn in Pendleton, SC is proud to be celebrating Ada Lovelace Day on Oct. 9th from 5pm to 8pm. We are celebrating the accomplishments and contributions that women have made in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math over the last 200 years. We will have student engineer representation from the Professional Engineering […]


Edit for Equity: STEM

Sustainability Trust 2 Forresters Lane, Wellington, CA, New Zealand

Wikipedia’s gender trouble is well-documented. In a 2011 survey, the Wikimedia Foundation found that less than 10% of contributors were women.* Let’s change that. To coincide with this year's Suffrage 125 celebrations and with Ada Lovelace day, we invite you to Edit for Equity: STEM, a Wikipedia edit-a-thon to increase the online presence of women […]


Women In Tech Madison – Ada Lovelace Day

Madison Public Library 201 West Mifflin Street, Madison, WI, United States

To celebrate the 175th anniversary of the publication of Ada Lovelace’s Notes, containing what would have been the first, workable computer program, the Madison Women-in-Tech welcomes New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Chiaverini for a reading and discussion of her latest novel, ENCHANTRESS OF NUMBERS: A NOVEL OF ADA LOVELACE Books will be available for […]

Women in STEM Career Panel Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day

Fleet Science Center 1875 El Prado, San Diego, CA, United States

Please join Illumina Women's Leadership Network and Fleet Science Center for a career panel celebration of women in STEM in honor of Ada Lovelace Day. Grab your girls and come learn from some of San Diego's top women in STEM on how they have grown succesful careers. We will have Fleet Science demos running the […]


Encouraging and Celebrating Women in Tech at Thoughtworks Brisbane

ThoughtWorks Brisbane 19/127 Creek Street, Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia

This year ThoughtWorks is hosting a By ThoughtWorks special event, in celebration of Ada Lovelace Day. Ada Lovelace Day is a celebration of the achievements of women in STEM and aims to create new role models who will encourage more women to follow STEM careers. Our four speakers will share insights into how we can […]


R-Ladies – Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day

Loughborough University Graduate House, Loughborough, United Kingdom

Let's get together and celebrate Ada Lovelace Day with drinks and pizza and watching our favourite TED talks by badass ladies in STEM. We will also plan our events for the coming months and reflect a little bit on past events. Please bring your own drinks. We will order Pizza together. If anyone would like […]

AdaDay 2018 Madrid

Medialab-Prado Plaza de las Letras, Calle de la Alameda, 15, Madrid, Spain

Talks and workshop (more info to come)


How-to Tuesday: Solar Powered Mobile Phone Charger with Carol Muroe

Mead Public Library - Imaginarium makerspace 710 N 8th Street, Sheboygan, WI, United States

How-to Tuesday is for the beginner do-it-yourself-er.  Learn how to build your own solar-powered mobile phone charger this Ada Lovelace Day.  Open to Teens and Adults.


RSC Edinburgh – Ada Lovelace Evening

University of Edinburgh, School of Chemistry Joseph Black Building, David Brewster Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

In October to coincide with Ada Lovelace Day, we are hosting an evening informal discussion about careers for women in STEM. Hosted by Professor Colin Pulham, Head of School, we will hear some career snapshots from: Professor Lesley Yellowlees, former President of the Royal Society of Chemistry and previous Dean of College of Science and Engineering, University of […]


Python Meetup & Anniversary Celebration

Bank of America Building 101 North Main Street, 3rd Floor, Greenville, SC, United States

Women Who Code Greenville launched October 9th, 2015 on Ada Lovelace Day and we're joining Greenville Python to celebrate! WWCode Greenville member, Brooke Wing, will be giving the keynote talk about her experience writing a Python script to automate her dashboard creation process. Check out all our October events! If you have never attended one […]

Children’s book launch – A vida de Ada Lovelace

Itiban Comic Shop Av Silva Jardim, 845, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

A vida de Ada Lovelace is a children's book written by Silvia Amélia Bim, a Computer Science lecture and illustrated by Kiara Cabral. It is the first book about Ada Lovelace written in Portuguese. Is is supported by the Brazilian Computer Society ( and is an action of the Digital Girls Program (Programa Meninas Digitais).


Diversity by Default: Ada Lovelace Day – Celebrating Women in Tech at Lloyds

Lloyds Banking Group 1 Lovell Park Road, Leeds, United Kingdom

Join us for an evening of celebration to mark ten years of Ada Lovelace Day and the brilliant Women in Tech community. This is the first of a number of events bringing together people passionate about Diversity in Tech to share experiences, contacts, ideas and inspiration to help each other navigate careers in tech. We are delighted […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Tinkering, Matchmaking and Building Your Networks

The Tiled Hall, Leeds Art Gallery 16-18 The Headrow, Leeds, United Kingdom

‘Empowering Women with Science and Tech’ Leeds want to welcome you to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day with us. Taking Ada as inspiration, we thought it was fitting to celebrate the day with an evening of tinkering, matchmaking and building your networks (plus lots of drinks and nibbles too!) Tinkering: We’re going to have a load […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Programming Workshop

Abertay University Room 4510, Kydd Building, Bell Street, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom

To celebrate Ada Lovelace Day, the Feminist and Programming Societies are hosting a talk and programming workshop for people of all levels of coding experience. This is a free event that we hope will show you just how important and rewarding programming can be!


Ada Lovelace Lecture with Sharon Moore, MBE

Craiglockhart Campus Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

“Women in STEM: different approaches to bring about change” To celebrate the 10th Ada Lovelace day Edinburgh Napier University and EQUATE Scotland are delighted to host Sharon Moore, MBE, Industry Technical Leader for Travel and Transportation IBM UK Ltd. Sharon is a wonderful role model and is passionate about ensuring equal access to opportunities in IT. […]


The Future of Robotics is FEMALE

Atelier SF 620 Davis St, San Francisco, CA, United States

To celebrate Ada Lovelace Day we'll be announcing our 6th Annual "25 Women in Robotics You Need To Know About" list - plus speaking with some of our awesome Women in Robotics! Melonee Wise - CEO Fetch Robotics Tessa Lau - Founder/CEO Dusty Robotics Casey Schulz - Systems Engineer at Omron Adept Technologies Jillian Ogle […]


Women in Tech Week: Insights and Inspiration from Female Founders

CommonBond 524 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York, NY, United States

For the second year, CommonBond invites you to join us and hear the stories of New York's female founders. Each founder will share her experiences of building her company from the ground up. Learn about the opportunities and challenges faced by these founders in the first 365 days of their businesses, and hear advice on […]


Movie Night: The Computers with moinworld e.V.

XING SE Dammtorstr. 30, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day, we are showing a documentary "The Computers", a story about six brilliant young women who programmed the first all-electronic, programmable computer, the ENIAC. Join us at XING, in celebrating this day and raising awareness of women who changed the world by making programming easier and more accessible. More info […]


Cambridge Women in Tech Presents: The Ada Lovelace Quiz

Centre for Computing History 1 Rene Court, Coldhams Road,, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Please dust down your neurones and join us at the Centre for Computing History on 9th October for an evening of networking and STEM based trivia. Doors open at 6.30, quiz starts at 7.00. Play in teams from 2-10 people (we can help you find a team on the night if you want). Roam the […]


Wiki-edit-athon 2018: Stockport Hub

The Magnet 51 Wellington Rd N,, Stockport, United Kingdom

We are hosting a Wiki Edit-a-Thon to improve Wikipedia coverage of women and diversity. We have joined forces with a variety of organisations to host a communal wiki update on 9 October 2018 to improve the coverage of women and diversity on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is the first to admit that they have some big gender […]


Ada Lovelace Day Celebration @ ISWC2018

Asilomar Conference Grounds 800 Asilomar Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA, United States

When: Tuesday 9th October (19:00-21:00) Where: Asilomar Conference Ground, Monterey California - Seascape room (next to the Crocker dining hall, where lunch is served)   “Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, […]


Ada Lovelace Day with Girls in Tech Armenia

GIT Armenia office 3 H. Hakobyan, Mergelyan Cluster, Yerevan, Armenia

Hi everyone, We're so excited to be able to celebrate Ada Lovelace day in Yerevan. It is is held every year on the second Tuesday of October and this time it's 9 October. We're sure we're going to meet all the tech and non-tech people interested in the tribute to this phenomenal women, the first […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Mesa redonda com mulheres da Ciência

Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Trabalhador são-carlense, 400 - Parque Arnold Schimidt, São Carlos, Brazil

Como todas as segundas terças-feiras de outubro de cada ano, celebramos o Dia Internacional de Ada Lovelace. O objetivo da data é comemorar as importantes conquistas realizadas pelas mulheres no campo da ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática (STEM) como inspiração para as gerações atuais e futuras. Para comemorar esse dia, o GRACE preparou algumas atividades... […]

Dansk Datahistorisk Forening

Tapeten Magleparken 5, Ballerup, Denmark

I adskillige år har man fejret ”Ada Lovelace Day” den anden tirsdag i oktober for at markere kvinders indsats i STEM fagene (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), samt for at mindes Lady Ada Lovelace, der bliver betegnet som verdens første programmør. Det vil vi fra i år også gøre i Datahistorisk Forening. Vi starter aftenen […]

Inspiring Women to achieve success in STEM: Ada Lovelace Day Online Panel

The Open University Ground Floor, Chambers Building, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Ada Lovelace Day: Panel of leading women in Computing and IT give insights into their career journey, experiences and challenges Our panellists are leading women from different areas of the computing and IT industry world. They will talk about their work, successes and challenges in their careers, focussing on gender and diversity issues such as […]


Ada Lovelace Day 2018 at the School of Engineering – University of Valencia

ETSE-UV Avda de la Universidad sn, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain

The School of Engineering of the University of Valencia (ETSE-UV) and IEEE WIE Student Branch Affinity Group de la Universitat de València organize Ada Lovelace Day celebration in 2018 with the following activities:   Video. During the week prior to the celebration, we will take pictures in the classrooms of the classmates, giving emphasis to […]


Ada Lovelace Day at Hofstra University – “The Internet needs you: How your data can change the world”

Hofstra University 1000 Fulton Avenue, Hempstead, NY, United States

Monica Stephens is an Assistant Professor of Geographic Information Science in the Geography Department at the University at Buffalo (NY). Previously she was the director of the Institute of Cartographic Design at Humboldt State where she led a team in generating political, social, and economic insights from visualizing large datasets of user-generated content. Ada Lovelace […]


Code craft

Department of Biology, University of York, UK Wentworth Way, York, North Yorkshire

Come to our Pi Lab to try your hand at coding, crafting, or both! Use some of our electronic gadgets to light up LEDs in every colour under the sun, hook them up with conductive thread so that your home-knitted socks twinkle as you walk, express the Keeling Curve by the sample rate of your […]


Out of the frying pan and onto the firing range

University of Southampton University Road, Southampton, United Kingdom

In autumn 2016, after working as a Lecturer and Hearing Scientist at the University of Southampton for a decade, Rachel van Besouw took a huge risk and ventured outside of academia for the first time. A few months later on a wintery, overcast February day with a temperature of 1 degree Celsius and a biting […]


Women in Science Week NMS – Ada Lovelace Day

King's College London Nash Lecture Theatre, Strand, London, United Kingdom

Please join us for Ada Lovelace Day 2018, NMS’s celebration of women in science and an exploration of the issues faced in STEM subjects surrounding the underrepresentation of women at all levels. The day's lead speaker will be Professor Barbara Shollock, who will be joining the Faculty in January 2019 as the inaugural Head of […]


Ada Lovelace Day Wikithon (Montreal, Canada)

McGill University Humanities and Social Sciences Library, 3549 McTavish Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Hey Everyone! To celebrate Ada Lovelace's birthday Broad Science 500 Women Scientists Montreal, and Science & Policy Exchange are hosting a wiki-edit-thon on October 10th. Join the global quest to increase the representation of female scientists on wikipedia!! Let's make sure woman in STEM get the recognition they deserve 🙌🏽🙌🏽  This mission was started by […]


Celebrating Ada Lovelace at dxw digital

8-9 Hoxton Square, N1 6NU 8-9 Hoxton Square, United Kingdom

On October 10th, we're celebrating Ada Lovelace Day to honour the pioneering women in technology and the public sector. We've invited a panel of five women to speak about obstacles they may have faced in their careers and then inviting attendees to ask questions and share their own experiences. Panellists TBC Drinks and snacks included! […]


Women and the Stars

Royal Astronomical Society Burlington House, London, United Kingdom

Tickets via Eventbrite In Women and the Stars, Dr Helen Klus from the Royal Astronomical Society shows how women have shaped our understanding of the universe. From painting prehistoric star maps on the walls of caves, to discovering dark matter in the Galaxy, to commanding space shuttles and waking in space. At the same time, these […]


Give IT a Go: is it as easy as it sounds?

Centre for Computing History 1 Rene Court, Coldhams Road,, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Give IT a Go: is it as easy as it sounds? is our 2018 panel debate on women and computing, chaired by Suw Charman-Anderson, founder of Ada Lovelace Day. Can women get in, stay in and get back in to careers in tech? Bring your stories on careers in tech (broadly defined, not just computing!) and join us in this lively […]


The Turbulent Lives of the Byron Women – In Byron’s Wake

Waterstones Hampstead 68-69 Hampstead High Street, London, United Kingdom

We are very pleased to be hosting a talk with Miranda Seymour on her new “double-biography”: In Byron's Wake – this is a book to behold! In 1816, Annabella Milbanke fled from her notorious husband Lord Byron, taking with her their baby daughter, the future Ada Lovelace. Ada became a pioneering mathematician and leading scientist, […]


Dublin Ada LoveLace Day 2018

The Digital Depot The Digital Hub, Roe Lane, Dublin, Ireland

LoveLaceSpace is delighted to run our first Ada Lovelace Day. Thanks to Wikimedia Ireland who will be running our Wikipedia Edithon activity. The event is FREE. Schedule 18:30 REGISTRATION 19:00 Welcome and Introduction to each activity 19:15 Activities begin 20:45 Start tidying up 21:00 EVENT ENDS FAQ What do I need to bring? We do not provide […]


4th Annual Wikipedia Editathon

Steacie Science & Engineering Library 4700 Keele Street, 136 Campus Walk, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Come to The Steacie Science and Engineering Library on Thursday, October 11 and help us celebrate Ada Lovelace Day! Women in the various STEM fields are generally underrepresented in Wikipedia. We need look no further than the recent case of new Nobel Laureate Donna Strickland from the University of Waterloo. When someone tried to create a Wikipedia article […]


Diversity Dialogue Luncheon in Celebration of Ada Lovelace Day – Calgary

Hotel Alma at The University of Calgary 169 University Gate NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Inclusion-exclusion in mathematics: who stays in, who falls out, why it happens, and what we should do about it. The Faculty of Science and the Schulich School of Engineering are pleased to welcome Dr. Eugenia Cheng as this year's speaker for the Diversity Dialogue Luncheon in celebration of Ada Lovelace Day. Join Dr. Cheng for an informal discussion about her experiences of being […]

Donuts and Networking for WinSTEM Week

WSP Canada Inc. Fifth Avenue Place, Calgary Fifth Avenue Place, Suite 3300, 237 4th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

WSP Canada Inc. is proud to support Ada Lovelace Day and the AWSN’s WinSTEM week. Hosted by Karen Sagar, P.Eng. and Stephanie Margeson, female employees from our three Calgary locations are meeting together to share donuts and to network with our own amazing WSP Calgary Women in STEM and the wonderful women who support us. […]


Teachers’ Twilight event: Does the gender gap in tech start at school?

Centre for Computing History 1 Rene Court, Coldhams Road,, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

There seems to be a well documented and growing gender gap in technology and STEM subjects in schools and universities on a background of a recognised STEM skills shortage in the UK. But what is going here? Are there wider issues around gendered classrooms, gendered school activities, gendered language and are these all contributing to […]


Ada Lovelace Day Graduate Mixer

Triumph Brewing Company 138 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

Digital Humanities is all about mixing - computational methods and humanist questions, humanist approaches and technological innovation, and, of course, drinks!! The Center for Digital Humanities invites you to honor of Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer. Come meet fellow grads with an interest in DH in the highly interdisciplinary space of Triumph brewery. Ask your burning questions […]

ORSSA Ada Lovelace Day 2018

Discovery Head Office 1 Discovery Place, Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Abstract As humans we are placed in complex environments, where we are required to provide solutions to the problems that we encounter on a daily basis. This can be within your career, your personal life, or your business, and we know that many times solving the problem isn't as easy as we'd like or hoped […]


Lovelace and Cupcakes

Alphabeta Building, Finsbury Square 14-18 Finsbury Square London, London, England, United Kingdom

Join us at our office in Finsbury square for an evening full of fun, code, cupcakes and a big pat on the back to all the women in STEM. The event will feature a “code for cupcakes” challenge where participants will learn regular expressions from scratch while earning cupcakes for each correct answer. Regular expressions, […]


Overlooked. Righting the Wrongs of Omission

The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever 6000 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Great Women Spirits by Francis Ford Coppola is collaborating with The New York Times and their fabulous Overlooked platform at the Hollywood Forever cemetery on October 11th. Francis Ford Coppola will be among the speakers eulogizing the incredible women and minorities who have been left out of The New York Times' obit pages. Francis will […]


Ada Lovelace Commemorative Lecture – Forensic IT

University of Hertfordshire The Lindop Building, College Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Speaker: Siobhan Forster, Senior Commercial Dispute Consultant, IT Group Modern organisations depend on their IT systems and infrastructure for their competitive and reputational survival. Yet visibly in the media or quietly behind the scenes, things can and do go wrong; with the outcome often meaning litigation between the provider and the client. Forensic IT has emerged […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Alessandra Farabegoli

Casa Delle Donne Ravenna Via Maggiore, 120, Ravenna, Italy

L’Ada Lovelace day è un evento internazionale dedicato alle scienziate e ai loro risultati in ambito scientifico, tecnico, ingegneristico e matematico. L’evento è nato in Inghilterra nel 2009 e ha lo scopo di incoraggiare le ragazze a intraprendere gli studi STEM (Scienze, Tecnologie, Ingegneria, Matematica). Ada Lovelace è stata una matematica inglese considerata oggi la […]

Ada’s List Conference 2018

Pivotal Software 211 Old Street, London, United Kingdom

This October, as the world celebrates Ada Lovelace Day 2018, Ada’s List will be celebrating it’s 6th Birthday and recognising Ada Lovelace’s contribution to the world of internet and science with Ada’s List Conf 2018. We would like to invite you to join us in London for a day of talks and mingling, to share […]


Girls In AI San Francisco

Mastercard 123 Mission Street, 5th floor, San Francisco, California, United States

To celebrate International day of a Girl and Ada Lovelace Day, Teens in AI in partnership with Mastercard is running a tech bootcamp/hackathon to inspire girls aged 12-18 into Artificial Intelligence. We are on a mission to encourage young women to pursue computing and technology, and to promote diversity in this ever growing field. For […]


Girls In AI London

The Microsoft Reactor London 70 Wilson Street, London, United Kingdom

To celebrate International day of a Girl and Ada Lovelace Day, Teens in AI in partnership with Microsoft is running a tech bootcamp/hackathon to inspire girls aged 12-18 into Artificial Intelligence. We are on a mission to encourage young women to pursue computing and technology, and to promote diversity in this ever growing field. For […]


Peterborough STEM Festival 2018

KingsGate Conference Centre 2 Staplee Way, Parnwell, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

A free day packed full of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths to engage and inspire the next generation. Now in it's third year, the event has grown (again!) and some exciting content lined up including an appearance by Maddie Moate who is bringing her Mission to Mars show to Peterborough, and Horrible Science author Nick […]


Wikipedia Edit-a-thon DC: Ada Lovelace Day Edition

West End Neighborhood Library 2301 L Street Northwest, Washington, DC, United States

Ada Lovelace Day is an international day to celebrate the contributions of self-identifying women to science, technology, engineering, and math. So to celebrate their achievements, 500 Women Scientists and our allies, as well as the DC Science Writer's Association, are gathering at the West End DC Public Library on Saturday, October 13th to share their work on Wikipedia's […]


Lovelace’s Labyrinth

Museum of the History of Science Broad Street, Oxford, United Kingdom

Join Ada Lovelace and friends at the Museum for a day of mathematical puzzles, activities and problem-solving from geometry to code-breaking. This is a free, drop-in event for all ages, so you don't need to book a ticket, but it would help us monitor interest if you register here. IF Oxford Science and Ideas Festival takes […]


WikiSalon: Ada Lovelace Celebration

Science History Institute 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

In honor of Ada Lovelace Day, we will dedicate our October WikiSalon to articles about women in science. Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and […]


Ada Lovelace Day Italia

Rinascimenti Sociali Via Maria Vittoria, 38, Torino, Torino, Italy

Programma dell’Iniziativa CONFERENZA Sabato 13 ottobre, dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 20:00 Rinascimenti Sociali - Torino 15:00 – 15:15 Saluti 15:20 – 16:00 Di che genere è la quarta rivoluzione industriale? Intervengono: Mariella Berra, Dipartimento Culture Politica Società dell’Università di Torino Giulia Maria Cavaletto, Dipartimento Culture Politica Società dell’Università di Torino 16:00 – 16:30 Pausa […]


Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story Film Screening

Centre for Computing History 1 Rene Court, Coldhams Road,, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Part of our Women in Computing Festival 2018: Her Story What do the most beautiful actress of the 1930s and 40s and the inventor whose concepts were the basis of cell phone and bluetooth technology have in common? They are both Hedy Lamarr, the Hollywood icon who was the inspiration for Snow White and Cat Woman and a technological […]


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Bromley

Bonus Pastor Catholic College Winlaton Road, Downham, Bromley, United Kingdom

Bonus Pastor Catholic College has arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


Ada Lovelace Day 2018 Curitiba

Universidade Tecnológica do Paraná Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165, Curitiba, PR, Brazil

APRESENTAÇÃO E INTERAÇÃO Local: Aquário * Exibição de vídeo: Emili@s e Cientistas * Jogo de Memória de mulheres na ciência * Painel de recados Horário: 09:00 às 17:00   OFICINA DE ARDUINO Local: B-204 * Mini oficina aberta à comunidade (12 vagas) * TECHLADIES * Introdução ao uso de Arduino Horário: 09:00 às 12:00 Ministrante: […]


Ada Lovelace Day 2018: How Did I Get Here? With Dr Rachael Liebmann

Swansea University, Council Chamber Singleton Abbey, Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom

To celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2018, Swansea University’s Mary Williams Group is delighted to host Dr Rachael Liebmann from the Royal College of Pathologists. Dr Liebmann will be speaking about her career journey as a woman in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine), and her experiences of leadership at a senior level. Her 45-minute […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Warwick Maths Society

University of Warwick MS.02, Zeeman Building, Coventry, United Kingdom

Join us to celebrate the achievements of women in maths! There will be free food and drinks, so RSVP on our Facebook event page to make sure we have enough. Schedule for the day (updates to come): 1.15pm - welcome and light lunch 2.00pm - talk by Nicholas Jackson (Warwick) 2.30pm - talk by Louise […]

Borough Belles talk Women in STEM (Ada Lovelace Day)

Better Bankside, 18 Great Guildford Street, SE1 0FD Better Bankside, London, London, United Kingdom

As a celebration of Ada Lovelace Day, Borough Belles Women's Institute are hosting a panel focused on all things science, tech, engineering and maths, with a panel of amazing women taking us through the work they do and their experiences as a woman working in STEM. Panelists include: Shwetal Shah – Shwetal works as the Head of […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Il Diritto Di Contare

Casa Delle Donne Ravenna Via Maggiore, 120, Ravenna, Italy

L’Ada Lovelace day è un evento internazionale dedicato alle scienziate e ai loro risultati in ambito scientifico, tecnico, ingegneristico e matematico. L’evento è nato in Inghilterra nel 2009 e ha lo scopo di incoraggiare le ragazze a intraprendere gli studi STEM (Scienze, Tecnologie, Ingegneria, Matematica). Ada Lovelace è stata una matematica inglese considerata oggi la […]

ALD Happy Hour with Lightning Talks

Cornish Pasty 7 W. Monroe St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Happy hour with Lightning Talks by local developers discussing their most influential women in tech. Ada Lovelace Day is held every year on the second Tuesday of October, though it is celebrated around the world all month long. It is an international celebration of Women in Science and Technology and aims to raise the profile of […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Samantha Cristoforetti

Casa Delle Donne Ravenna Via Maggiore, 120, Ravenna, Italy

L’Ada Lovelace day è un evento internazionale dedicato alle scienziate e ai loro risultati in ambito scientifico, tecnico, ingegneristico e matematico. L’evento è nato in Inghilterra nel 2009 e ha lo scopo di incoraggiare le ragazze a intraprendere gli studi STEM (Scienze, Tecnologie, Ingegneria, Matematica). Ada Lovelace è stata una matematica inglese considerata oggi la […]

ALD 2018 Invited Lecture. Waiting for Equity or Making it Happen: What’s the Difference?

Life Sciences Building Keele Campus 6 Thompson Rd, North York, ON M3J 1L3, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Professor Jeremy Kerr, University Research Chair in Macroecology & Conservation Biology, University of Ottawa will give York University's 4th Annual Ada Lovelace Day talk. Jeremy was president of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, 2016-18, where he developed policy for increasing Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics). He will reflect […]


Women in STEM – Ada Lovelace breakfast

QUT QUT Gardens Point Campus - Science and Engineering Building (P Block, Level 6 Atrium), Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths. It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, in doing so, create new role models who will encourage more girls into STEM careers and support women already working in STEM. Join us at the […]

AU$12 – AU$16

Ada Lovelace Day: A Celebration of Women in STEMM at UTS

UTS Library Level 4, Room 4.k, Ultimo Road, Haymarket, Sydney, Australia

The UTS Faculty of Science are celebrating Ada Lovelace Day (belatedly as the day actually falls on 9 Oct 2018) with a panel discussion, networking event with refreshments in collaboration with UTS Library and the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion. Ada Lovelace was a 19th century English mathematician whose expertise and vision of computing's possibilities, were […]


Ada Lovelace Day Celebration Denver – Women in STEM

WorkAbility 1576 Sherman Street, Denver, CO, United States

Mix & Mingle with Lightning Talks by local developers discussing their experience getting into the STEM field as a woman and their most influential women in tech. Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of Women in Science and Technology and aims to raise the profile of women in STEM by encouraging people around the […]


Toronto Ada Lovelace Day – IGH Sex and Gender in Health Research Trainee Network

Women's College Hospital Room 6214, 76 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Institute for Gender and Health Sex and Gender in Health Research Trainee Network presents an Ada Lovelace Day event for trainees in Toronto! Ada Lovelace was the was the first computer programmer (ever!) and is a symbol of women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Please join us for an evening showcasing research by […]



KAIST, Building N-1 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, Republic Of

There will be a talk from Dr. Jiyoung Whang, an assistant professor at Sungkyunkwan University. This event has been moved to 30th October to avoid collision with mid-term exams at KAIST.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Reading

Reading Girls' School Northumberland Avenue, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Reading Girls' School has arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Banbury

Banbury and Bicester College Broughton Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Banbury and Bicester College have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Rochdale

St. Cuthbert's RC High School Shaw Road, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

A school in Rochdale has arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


If you have any questions about the Ada Lovelace Day events calendar, or have any other problems, please email us. Please note that you CANNOT add an event without registering for an account or logging in FIRST.