Are you interested in contributing a little bit more to Ada Lovelace Day? We are always looking for volunteers who want to work on making Ada Lovelace Day and the Finding Ada website bigger, better and more compelling. We are currently looking for people with these skills:
Desk Researcher
If you’re good at desk research and can commit half an hour or so each week, then we’d like to hear from you. We are pulling together resources in these areas:
- Research relevant to the challenges faced by women in STEM, whether psychological research papers, market research, or reports written by women’s organisations.
- Facts and figures
- Organisations focused on women in STEM
If you’d like to help with research, please get in touch via our contact form.
We will be expanding the scope of the blog over coming months and are looking for bloggers to help. The sort of thing we’re looking for is:
- Coverage and exploration of relevant psychological studies, e.g. into impostor syndrome, stereotype threat, role models
- Relevant events for women in STEM
- Coverage of relevant news stories
- Profiles of inspirational women, from history and present day
- Interviews with women in STEM
- Profiles of organisations working to help women in STEM
- Examination of gender policy
Our values are constructive, collaborative, and positive, so we will focus more on stories that reflect those values. If you are interested in blogging for us on a regular basis, even if it’s just one a month, please get in touch via our contact form with a link to your existing blog and any ideas you have for your first post.