Ada Lovelace Day
Zamani College, Kaduna 1 Waziri Maccido road, Kaduna, Kaduna, NigeriaAda Lovelace Day: to speak to young girls about women in science, engineering and technology.
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Ada Lovelace Day: to speak to young girls about women in science, engineering and technology.
A FREE to attend celebration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics inspired by Ada Lovelace Day. A family friendly event held in the centre of Peterborough on Saturday 1st October 2016. We want to inspire younger people to become tomorrow’s innovators in science, technology, engineering, and maths. We will be showing what’s new, unusual and […]
As part of our 'Women in Science Week' speakers for the Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences Ada Lovelace Day 2016 include Kate Russell, a journalist, reporter and author who speaks regularly to inspire the next generation of technologists and was voted the Computer Weekly 13th most influential woman in UK IT. The Department of […]
REGISTER HERE Join us on 6th October from 6.30pm at our London HQ for our next Spotlight event, a free evening of talks discussing issues around women in STEM and what we can actively do to make a difference. This event is part of a series hosted by Digital Science to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day and will […]
Poster exhibition celebrating Ada Lovelace and women in technology, at the Informatics library at the University of Oslo. More information (in Norwegian).
Check out our Children's STEM Book display in the Landwehr Children's Learning Center!
Check out our Ladies of STEM Book Display in the Imaginarium!
Collect your clues at the Imaginarium and venture on our STEM Scavenger Hunt. Drop your completed entry in the Imaginarium's STEM Scavenger Hunt Raffle Box to be entered to win $25 in Chamber Cash!
To celebrate the achievements of Ada Lovelace and to encourage girls into Computing Science, Wider Access team and the School of Computing Science and Digital Media at Robert Gordon University are organising an afternoon of practical and engaging Computing workshops. The workshops are aimed at S2 and S3 girls who show potential in STEM subjects, and they provide the participants an opportunity […]
Teens are invited to discover the 3D printer by designing a 3D object using Tinkercad, a free online program that teaches basic 3D print design. Teens will also have an opportunity to have their design or a design of their choosing printed on the library's 3D printer while playing STEM trivia. Due to the length of time 3D […]
In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day, Porlock hosts a Cream Tea with Inspirational Women featuring 5 speakers with careers and achievements spanning engineering, construction, computing, marketing and sport. They will be sharing their stories of how they come to be doing what they are, how they got there, who inspired them along the way and what […]
Join us during this open studio time in the Imaginarium for self-guided Sunday craft time. Supplies and equipment will be available for use, but feel free to bring your own. In honor of Ada Lovelace Day, button-making supplies for creating your very own Ada Lovelace Day button pin and "Ladies of STEM" coloring sheets will be […]
Tuesday 11 October is Ada Lovelace Day, an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM). To celebrate, Heriot-Watt University will host an exhibition showcasing the career paths of Heriot-Watt mid-career female academics*, women who have been through the early career stage but not yet reached the pinnacle of […]
In celebration of Ada Lovelace day, we will be celebrating the achievements of women in science and technology with a speaker night, featuring women from a diverse range of fields presenting on the work they're currently doing. Register your attendance for free now at: Come along and enjoy free food and drinks while hearing […]
What is DNA? DNA science is used every day in our world. Forensic labs test DNA evidence, farmers use genetically modified seeds and doctors target disease treatments using DNA markers. Everyone has heard of it, and everyone has it, but what is it? In this activity students will learn about the structure and function of […]
Code&Chips is a totally free event hosted by ARM and HackLab, filled with Raspberry Pi workshops, demonstrations and hands-on exhibits presented by inspirational members of the Cambridge technology and educational industries including; ARM, Cambridge Science Centre, and Jagex, along with a whole host of other programming enthusiasts and computer geeks intent on spreading the love […]
Ada Lovelace Inspiration Day 2016 Tuesday 11 October 2016 The Guardian Digital Development department will be inviting school girls from London, who are interested in technology, to an Inspiration Day on 11 October to celebrate Ada Lovelace day 2016. We will be inviting girls aged 14-16 years to come to the Guardian to spend some […]
Each year group has been selected a woman who has made a significant contribution to STEM subjects. An eclectic bunch; Jane Goodall, Sarah Guppy, Rosalind Franklin and Nichelle Nichols...they are chosen to give the children an insight into the very different roles women can play and also the very different historical times they lived in, […]
Join Us on Tuesday, Oct. 11th at Wilbur Wright College, Room S-247 for Ada Lovelace Day: A Celebration of Women in Computing Did you know that the first computer programmer was a woman? It’s true! Lady Ada was the Countess of Lovelace and the daughter of famed poet Lord Byron. She was a gifted mathematician […]
We named the first class in our new STEM school 'Lovelace Class'. We ran a whole school assembly where we talked about women in tech and how we are the next generation! We coded 'Ada's Random Poetry Generator ' in Scratch!
The University of Florida is celebrating Ada Lovelace Day on October 11, 2016. More information to come soon!
Oct 11 to 15, 2016. Alberta, Canada First every WinSTEM week. Culminating in a mini-conference for outreach programs that promote diversity and The STEM Affair Oct 15, 2016 celebrating great women in STEM plus our mentors, scholars, programs and more.
Wisibilízalas is a contest for high-school students in which they should create a website containing wikipedia-style descriptions of Spanish women currently working in ICT. The contest is organised by the Department of Information and Communication Technologies at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and the support of Wikimujeres. Collaborators and sponsors (currently UPF Social Council and Google) are welcome […]
To the difference engine Ada Lovelace, “incantatrice dei numeri” (1815-1852) L’Università di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale partecipa alla giornata mondiale in onore di Ada Lovelace, considerata la prima programmatrice della storia del computer. Un evento per valorizzare le eccellenze femminili dell’Ateneo di Cassino in campo tecnologico, ingegneristico, matematico e scientifico e per promuovere le […]
On Tuesday 11th October 2016, in Room 1.12 of the University of Edinburgh Main Library, we will again be running a Wikipedia edit-a-thon to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2016, an international celebration day of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). What’s involved? We begin at 10am with a range of guest speakers […]
The target of MENTOS UPF is to provide female students at UPF Engineering degrees contact with professionals and experts in order to support their professional development Activities Would you like to take part as a mentee? Would you like to take part as a mentor? Calendar: Oct 11th 2016: MENTOS program launched! Nov 1st 2016: […]
El 11 de Octubre y con el motivo del Día Ada Lovelace (ALD), una celebración internacional por los logros de las mujeres en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (del inglés, STEM), se presentará en el Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología –MUNCYT- de A Coruña a las 11:00h, la miniserie educativa de cortos audiovisuales “De mayor quiero […]
Atomic arts project targets teenage scientists Budding female physicists encouraged by play Ground breaking project to be piloted at QE Academy in Crediton on 6 October Full showcase at Sidmouth College on 11 October, Ada Lovelace Day Invitation only performance at QE Acadamy on 12 October Team behind project seeking funding to roll this out […]
Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) is an international celebration day of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, in doing so create new role models to encourage more women into STEM careers. It is now held every year on the second […]
Ride with us as we examine women's science-tech-engineering-math history in Cambridge, MA on Ada Lovelace Day! Total ride length will be about 8 miles from start to finish. Start: 2 p.m. Sidewalk outside of MIT Building NW22, 185 Albany St. End: ~4 p.m. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, 3 James St. Stops along the way: We'll […]
Mary Proctor (1862-1957) was an astronomy lecturer and author, combining scientific facts with poetry and imagery to inspire children and adults all over the world with a life-long love of astronomy. She was one of the first women to be elected to the Royal Astronomical Society in 1916. To celebrate Ada Lovelace Day, the library of the Royal Astronomical Society […]
Girls Computer Science Talent Day @ School of Computing, University of Leeds Oct 11 @ 2:00 pm – 9:00 pm Join the University of Leeds on Ada Lovelace Day for a fun and eye-opening programme! This one day programme will provide young girls with an interest in STEM subjects with a unique opportunity to discover computer […]
On Ada Lovelace Day women in tech have been asked to get together and have a coffee or a drink. We're meeting in IBERS Bach in Aber Uni for an informal chat.
The Tech for Life team invite you to join us in celebrating the North East’s Leading Ladies in STEM at Campus North on Ada Lovelace Day, Tuesday October 11th from 4pm - 6.30pm. We will have a panel of our very own Leading Ladies from across the generations who will be giving us insights into […]
Public lecture hosted by the University and Equate Scotland, delivered by Professor Caroline Wilkinson, 6pm followed by drinks reception – open to all The main event is a free public lecture delivered by Professor Caroline Wilkinson at 6pm on Tuesday 11th October at Napier’s Craiglockhart campus. This is followed by a drinks reception. For further […]
Ada Lovelace Day Umeå will be celebrated with workshops in e-textiles, bringing in expert tinkerers and makers to help and inspire participants. Organisers: Sliperiet at Umeå University, FabLab Umeå Free to participate but limited places, please check for updates and registration links
School of Computing at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology will host ALD 2016 event, sponsored by Girls' Robot and Microsoft Korea. There will be talks from both a practitioner and an academic who is working in the field of IT and computer science. We welcome students at all levels and from all disciplines […]
Standing up for a belief, declaring a dream out loud, dealing with change, seeking advice, providing feedback, having to be confident in a sticky situation... Courageous Conversations is about how our speakers tackled a 'courageous conversation' in their own unique way. Like Ada Lovelace, our speakers are women who advocate the importance gender diversity in […]
A networking event for women in STEM at U of T. It will be fun, it will be engaging, and most importantly it will bring women together! Keynote speaker: Dr. Imogen Coe - Dean of Science at Ryerson University
This exciting public talk will be given by Miranda Mowbray, who works at Hewlett Packard Labs, where her research interests currently include machine learning applied to computer network security, and ethics for Big Data analysis. She is a Fellow of the British Computer Society. Her PhD is in Algebra, from London University. The data scientists who find useful […]
We’ve got a woman Scottish First Minster, a woman Prime Minister in the UK and a strong US presidential candidate. Does that mean we’ve got that gender equality thing sorted? Isn’t feminism just something that ladies got all grumpy about in the 70s? Women and men have equal pay, right? Sadly, the answer to all […]
Ada Lovelace Day was founded by Suw Charman-Anderson in 2009 and aims to raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering and maths by encouraging people around the world to talk about the women whose work they admire. This international day of celebration helps people learn about the achievements of women in STEM, inspiring […]
LookFar’s President, Chris Reade, dreamed up the Ada Lovelace Award in 2015. The father of a ten-year-old daughter, he was struck by how few female role models he knew in science and technology – not that these women didn’t exist, but that they seemed to fly under the radar in comparison to their male counterparts. “When my […]
Dita Ada Lovelace është një festë ndërkombëtare e arritjeve të grave në shkencë, teknologji, inxhinieri dhe matematikë. Qëllimi i festimit të kësaj dite është krijimi i imazhit të femrës së suksesshme si një model frymëzues nga femrat në shoqëri. Këtë vit pjesë të aktiviteteve tona në Open Labs do të jetë dhe festimi i kësaj […]
Celebramos el día de Ada Lovelace, Ada Lovelace Day Celebration El martes 11 de octubre celebramos en Medialab-Prado el Ada Day, una fiesta internacional promovida por Finding Ada, proyecto que pretende dar a conocer los logros de las mujeres en los campos de la ciencia, la tecnología, las ingenierías o las matemáticas. Para visibilizar que […]
This is the second time that Ada Lovelace day will be celebrated in Belgrade. After very successful last year event, we decided to make it even bigger this year. Speakers are extraordinary women from science and tech-from students of electrical engineering to PhDs and NASA awards winner. During the event they'll talk about their choices, education, […]
To honor Ada Lovelace, New York University will be hosting the second annual NYU Ada Lovelace Day event featuring women in STEM. The event will feature women from a variety of STEM fields sharing how they came to their current career paths and who inspired them along the way. There will also be a networking […]
Manchester Digital is challenging all tech and digital businesses across the North West to be more diverse and inclusive and is committed to helping them reach their goals. On 11th October 2016, Ada Lovelace day will be celebrated internationally, to highlight the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) and to encourage more women […]
From Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer, to Marie Curie, to astronaut Mae Jemison, women have made exciting and breakthrough contributions in their fields. Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). Join us for our own celebration of the amazing women who came […]
Gather round the fire, enjoy a beer and a s'mores, and tell us about the awesome ladies that you know in STEM.
Ada Lovelace Day Live! is our flagship ‘science cabaret’ event which this year will be held at The IET on the evening of 11 October. Playing host to the UK’s most fabulous women in STEM, ALD Live is an entertaining evening of geekery, comedy and music suitable for everyone over the age of 12. Our […]
Join ThoughtWorks and Women Who Code, Dallas Fort Worth, in celebrating Ada Lovelace Day with a party! We'll have lightning talks from local women in tech, discussion, a fun trivia contest, cake & balloons, music and more! Mixer starts at 7:00 PM, talks kick off at 7:30. RSVP on Women Who Code DFW's Meetup page or […]
Women Techmakers İstanbul olarak, bilgisayar dünyasının bilinen ilk kadın programcısı Ada Lovelace’ı anmak ve teknoloji & bilişim dünyasındaki kadınların bugün neler yapabileceğini, olanakları ve örnekleri konuşmak, tartışmak ve sizlerle tanışmak için 11 Ekim'de KWORKS'de toplanıyoruz. Bilim ve teknolojide daha fazla kadının yer alabilmesi için neler yapılabileceğini beyin fırtınası yaparak tartışmak adına herkesi bekliyoruz. Görüşmek üzere! Etkinlik Programı: - […]
Historic Ockham in Surrey is celebrating our local heroine Ada Lovelace, who lived at Ockham Park. Event to be held at The Black Swan Pub/Restaurant on Ada Lovelace Day, Tuesday 11th October 2016 from 7pm Landlord Nathan is aware. All welcome. A copy of your science degree will get you one free drink on the […]
Geek & Tech Girls is a newly born community which aim is to engage more women into technology, and encourage girls in STEM. We have chosen the ALD as the day for our first meeting as Ada is, or we think should be, a role model for every woman, interested in technology or not. We […]
Teens, join us for a fun filled craft program where we will use video games as inspiration in creating "pixel" art using perler beads while playing STEM trivia. Whether you want to make a replica of an 8-bit Mario or try to make your favorite pixelated Pokemon, stop into the Imaginarium and get crafting.
In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day 2016 the Queen's University Belfast School of Mathematics and Physics will be holding a Women in Science quiz in the Bell Lecture Theatre on Wednesday 12 October 2016 from 3pm. The event will include a short talk about the School's work in relation to Athena SWAN and be followed […] Join us to celebrate Ada Lovelace's Birthday in the ThoughtWorks SF Office. We'll mingle, listen to lightning talks, and battle it out in our women in STEM trivia contest. This is an open event. Schedule: 5:30pm Doors Open/Mingling 6:00pm Warm up Trivia 6:30pm Lightening Talks* 7:30pm Cupcakes with candles blown out by the trivia […]
A guided discussion on the role creativity plays in science, as well as interactions between physics, computer science, and the arts is being held in honour of Ada Lovelace, an analyst and metaphysician who pushed the limits of mathematics and computational science in the early 1800s. Followed by a public lecture by Dr. Suzie Imber […]
The IELLEN is partnering with Capital City LLEN, Women in Science and Engineering, Lateral Magazine, BrainSTEM and more to hold the first Melbourne based Ada Lovelace Day event. Held around the world in October, Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) events are about inspiring young women to pursue STEM careers in greater numbers. This ALD event is […]
Dr. Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New York Institute of Technology will be our guest speaker during Common Hour, 11:15 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. Hofstra University. Her presentation will describe her work using sensors to create safe environments for Parkinson's patients, and explain the Research Experience for Undergraduates […]
We will treat our students to two distinguished speakers who will share their personal and professional journeys.
How can The University of Texas at Dallas Feminist MakerSpace possibly top last year’s Ada Lovelace Day Twitterbot event? How about two events? On October 14, 2016 the Feminist MakerSpace is sponsoring two events of maker culture with feminist flair. 11am – 1pm The Possible (Wearable) Worlds of Digital Humanities Arduino Workshop hxxp:// 2pm – […]
Conference and activities for children. See the website for more information.
Ada Lovelace Day Celebration at Ryerson University
ReFIGuk are delighted to announce the xx+ games jam, 24 hours of fun and games design for women, transgender and non-binary people funded by ReFIG. UK sites are running in Brighton, Bristol, Leamington Spa & London. XX+ Games Jam is an international jam, happening over 24 hours at 5 sites in the UK and 2 […]
ReFIGuk are delighted to announce the xx+ games jam, 24 hours of fun and games design for women, transgender and non-binary people funded by ReFIG. UK sites are running in Brighton, Bristol, Leamington Spa & London. XX+ Games Jam is an international jam, happening over 24 hours at 5 sites in the UK and 2 […]
ReFIGuk are delighted to announce the xx+ games jam, 24 hours of fun and games design for women, transgender and non-binary people funded by ReFIG. UK sites are running in Brighton, Bristol, Leamington Spa & London. XX+ Games Jam is an international jam, happening over 24 hours at 5 sites in the UK and 2 […]
ReFIGuk are delighted to announce the xx+ games jam, 24 hours of fun and games design for women, transgender and non-binary people funded by ReFIG. UK sites are running in Brighton, Bristol, Leamington Spa & London. XX+ Games Jam is an international jam, happening over 24 hours at 5 sites in the UK and 2 […]
Kansas City's Science Center, Science City, celebrates the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths on October 15 with a day full of hands-on, science demonstrations and activities!
Ada Lovelace Day Presented by ARM Saturday, Oct. 15 Most activities free with admission Coding for Beginners Learn about drag and drop coding with simple and easy to use programs. 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wind Powered Contraptions As a child, computer science pioneer Ada Lovelace experimented with sails and wind power to engineer a […]
Bryan Gaensler is the Canada Research Chair in Radio Astronomy, and Director of the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto. His research is in cosmic magnetism, time-domain astrophysics and the diffuse Universe. Voted Young Australian of the Year in 1999, Bryan is a long-time advocate for women in STEM. He will discuss how […]
The group Emíli@s proudly presents the 3rd Ada Lovelace Day UTFPR. On October 26, 2016 we will have talks with special guests starting from 4pm to 8:30pm. For more information visit the facebook of Emíli@s or the ALD UTFPR event. Come celebrate this day with us!
Join us for an excellent day of science featuring two of the women leading gene editing and CRISPR technology- Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier of Berlin and Dr. Jennifer Doudna of Berkeley. They will be speaking between 10:30 and 11:30 am at the Macleod Auditorium on Thursday, October 27. You can also watch their presentations via webcast […]
Join an interdisciplinary team of faculty and students as we create, expand and improve Wikipedia entries for Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics). STEM Women are under-represented in Wikipedia. Learn how to be a Wikipedian. Drop by for as long or short a time as you have available. We will have swag & snacks […]
Explore gene editing’s potential across the biological spectrum, and how advances in human health, disease control & environmental engineering could change our perspective & place in the natural world. Among the speakers will be Paula Cannon of the USC Keck School of Medicine,presenting on gene editing for HIV/AIDS, and Françoise Baylis of Dalhousie University who […]
The International Community School of Addis Ababa is proud to be hosting our first Ada Lovelace Day event, an all-day workshop for girls to build and program robots, create computer programs, design and make 3D objects, and more! We've used ALD16 to kick-start our event & are planning it now for Saturday, November 5th. Next […]
We want to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM with a pub quiz about woman inventors and discoverers. In six rounds teams of four will be challenged to prove their knowledge about engineers and scientists from the past and the present and from different areas. Beyond the great fun and the bright company of […]
Ada Lovelace Day Celebration in GDG Devfest Kathmandu.
If you have any questions about the Ada Lovelace Day events calendar, or have any other problems, please email us. Please note that you CANNOT add an event without registering for an account or logging in FIRST.