Registration for new events has been turned off. Please contact Suw Charman-Anderson if you have an event to add.



AdaDay 2018 Madrid

Medialab-Prado Plaza de las Letras, Calle de la Alameda, 15, Madrid, Spain

Talks and workshop (more info to come)


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Bromley

Bonus Pastor Catholic College Winlaton Road, Downham, Bromley, United Kingdom

Bonus Pastor Catholic College has arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


Ada Lovelace Day 2018 Curitiba

Universidade Tecnológica do Paraná Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165, Curitiba, PR, Brazil

APRESENTAÇÃO E INTERAÇÃO Local: Aquário * Exibição de vídeo: Emili@s e Cientistas * Jogo de Memória de mulheres na ciência * Painel de recados Horário: 09:00 às 17:00   OFICINA DE ARDUINO Local: B-204 * Mini oficina aberta à comunidade (12 vagas) * TECHLADIES * Introdução ao uso de Arduino Horário: 09:00 às 12:00 Ministrante: […]


Ada Lovelace Day 2018: How Did I Get Here? With Dr Rachael Liebmann

Swansea University, Council Chamber Singleton Abbey, Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom

To celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2018, Swansea University’s Mary Williams Group is delighted to host Dr Rachael Liebmann from the Royal College of Pathologists. Dr Liebmann will be speaking about her career journey as a woman in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine), and her experiences of leadership at a senior level. Her 45-minute […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Warwick Maths Society

University of Warwick MS.02, Zeeman Building, Coventry, United Kingdom

Join us to celebrate the achievements of women in maths! There will be free food and drinks, so RSVP on our Facebook event page to make sure we have enough. Schedule for the day (updates to come): 1.15pm - welcome and light lunch 2.00pm - talk by Nicholas Jackson (Warwick) 2.30pm - talk by Louise […]

Borough Belles talk Women in STEM (Ada Lovelace Day)

Better Bankside, 18 Great Guildford Street, SE1 0FD Better Bankside, London, London, United Kingdom

As a celebration of Ada Lovelace Day, Borough Belles Women's Institute are hosting a panel focused on all things science, tech, engineering and maths, with a panel of amazing women taking us through the work they do and their experiences as a woman working in STEM. Panelists include: Shwetal Shah – Shwetal works as the Head of […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Il Diritto Di Contare

Casa Delle Donne Ravenna Via Maggiore, 120, Ravenna, Italy

L’Ada Lovelace day è un evento internazionale dedicato alle scienziate e ai loro risultati in ambito scientifico, tecnico, ingegneristico e matematico. L’evento è nato in Inghilterra nel 2009 e ha lo scopo di incoraggiare le ragazze a intraprendere gli studi STEM (Scienze, Tecnologie, Ingegneria, Matematica). Ada Lovelace è stata una matematica inglese considerata oggi la […]

ALD Happy Hour with Lightning Talks

Cornish Pasty 7 W. Monroe St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Happy hour with Lightning Talks by local developers discussing their most influential women in tech. Ada Lovelace Day is held every year on the second Tuesday of October, though it is celebrated around the world all month long. It is an international celebration of Women in Science and Technology and aims to raise the profile of […]


Ada Lovelace Day – Samantha Cristoforetti

Casa Delle Donne Ravenna Via Maggiore, 120, Ravenna, Italy

L’Ada Lovelace day è un evento internazionale dedicato alle scienziate e ai loro risultati in ambito scientifico, tecnico, ingegneristico e matematico. L’evento è nato in Inghilterra nel 2009 e ha lo scopo di incoraggiare le ragazze a intraprendere gli studi STEM (Scienze, Tecnologie, Ingegneria, Matematica). Ada Lovelace è stata una matematica inglese considerata oggi la […]

ALD 2018 Invited Lecture. Waiting for Equity or Making it Happen: What’s the Difference?

Life Sciences Building Keele Campus 6 Thompson Rd, North York, ON M3J 1L3, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Professor Jeremy Kerr, University Research Chair in Macroecology & Conservation Biology, University of Ottawa will give York University's 4th Annual Ada Lovelace Day talk. Jeremy was president of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, 2016-18, where he developed policy for increasing Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics). He will reflect […]


Women in STEM – Ada Lovelace breakfast

QUT QUT Gardens Point Campus - Science and Engineering Building (P Block, Level 6 Atrium), Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths. It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, in doing so, create new role models who will encourage more girls into STEM careers and support women already working in STEM. Join us at the […]

AU$12 – AU$16

Ada Lovelace Day: A Celebration of Women in STEMM at UTS

UTS Library Level 4, Room 4.k, Ultimo Road, Haymarket, Sydney, Australia

The UTS Faculty of Science are celebrating Ada Lovelace Day (belatedly as the day actually falls on 9 Oct 2018) with a panel discussion, networking event with refreshments in collaboration with UTS Library and the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion. Ada Lovelace was a 19th century English mathematician whose expertise and vision of computing's possibilities, were […]


Ada Lovelace Day Celebration Denver – Women in STEM

WorkAbility 1576 Sherman Street, Denver, CO, United States

Mix & Mingle with Lightning Talks by local developers discussing their experience getting into the STEM field as a woman and their most influential women in tech. Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of Women in Science and Technology and aims to raise the profile of women in STEM by encouraging people around the […]


Toronto Ada Lovelace Day – IGH Sex and Gender in Health Research Trainee Network

Women's College Hospital Room 6214, 76 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Institute for Gender and Health Sex and Gender in Health Research Trainee Network presents an Ada Lovelace Day event for trainees in Toronto! Ada Lovelace was the was the first computer programmer (ever!) and is a symbol of women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Please join us for an evening showcasing research by […]



KAIST, Building N-1 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, Republic Of

There will be a talk from Dr. Jiyoung Whang, an assistant professor at Sungkyunkwan University. This event has been moved to 30th October to avoid collision with mid-term exams at KAIST.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Reading

Reading Girls' School Northumberland Avenue, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Reading Girls' School has arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Banbury

Banbury and Bicester College Broughton Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Banbury and Bicester College have arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.


F4S Ada Lovelace School Talk – Rochdale

St. Cuthbert's RC High School Shaw Road, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

A school in Rochdale has arranged this Ada Lovelace Day themed careers talk, inviting local business leaders into the classroom to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM and inspire the next generation.
