Jan Molino Q&A: Building Power as a Female Leader

Q&A with Jan Molino, after her presentation from the Finding Ada Conference 2020.


So how do you get into the leadership role and be perceived as a leader? This talk will be about the power of building strategic networks: The biggest key to building power is to surround yourself with powerful people—YOUR NETWORK IS YOUR POWER! Learn the critical areas of power in relationships, social networks and influence, and communications. Participants will learn how to build a Power Networking Leadership Toolkit.

About Jan

Jan Molino is the President & CEO of Aspire Ascend, a consulting firm based in Washington, DC., where she provides a comprehensive portfolio of board and career development programs. She works with executive women on leadership training, business branding, board development and executive coaching. Jan is also known for her work in Women’s Leadership Forums and public speaking on leadership and gender equity. Jan’s strength and expertise is helping powerful women achieve their goals.

Twitter: @AspireAscend
Facebook: @aspire.ascend
LinkedIn: /JanMolino
Instagram: @aspireascend

Posted in Careers.