Deepthi Karuppusami Q&A: Relauncher – Come back with a plan!

Q&A with Deepthi Karuppusami after her presentation at the Finding Ada Conference 2020.


20 Million Indian women quit their jobs between 2004-20012. Around 65-70% of the women who quit never return to work at all. ‘As a woman – How can I overcome these challenges? How can networking help me ? How do I prepare for a comeback after a short/long break? These are some of the themes and Questions that I would like to answer using a framework to compartmentalise the challenges and help the audience frame the next steps of their career.

About Deepthi

Senior Consultant playing the role of a Data Business Analyst at Thoughtworks. Have been in the IT industry for 6 years and skilled in Agile BA framework with the ability to understand technology paradigms and how it can be leveraged to solve business problems.Experienced in Lean and Six Sigma methodologies having worked on productivity improvement, IT operations and Cost optimisation techniques.

LinkedIn: /DeepthiK

Posted in Careers.