Amy Kardel: 5 Keys to a Successful “Rebellion of One”

Amy Kardel’s presentation from the Finding Ada Conference 2020. 

Talk Synopsis

Research reveals that the most productive companies have greater gender diversity than competitors. Yet, women remain under-represented in business leadership. In fact, studies show one in five women say they are the only woman (or among few women) “in the room” at work. How can women in tech blaze new pathways to leadership positions? Amy Kardel, a VP at the largest trade association for the $5-trillion global IT ecosystem, says you stage a “Rebellion of One.”

About Amy

Amy Kardel became a true technologist in college when she developed a language translation business using software. Later, this entrepreneurial spirit led to co-founding and leading the IT services firm Clever Ducks. Then, she earned a seat on the Board of Directors of CompTIA, the world’s leading IT trade association, for 6 years, including two terms as Chair. Along the way, she also earned a law degree. Today, Amy serves as CompTIA’s VP, Strategic Workforce Relationships.

Twitter: @amychicgeek
LinkedIn: /amykardel

Posted in Careers.