Women in STEM advent calendar: Day 9 – Florence Violet McKenzie OBE

This winter, we are celebrating the festive season by honouring 25 amazing women in STEM, some of which you might not know of!

Florence Violet McKenzie OBE

Australia’s first female electrical engineer
28 Sep 1890 – 23 May 1982

Florence Violet McKenzie, née Wallace, was first Australian woman to earn an electrical engineering diploma, and the first to become a certified radio telegraphist and gain membership of the Wireless Institute of Australia. She founded the Electrical Association for Women (Australia) and the Women’s Emergency Signalling Corps, which trained 3000 female telegraphists and lead to the creation of the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service.

For more on Florence McKenzie, please read the following links:


Day 8 – Aglaonice Day 10 – Professor Euphemia Haynes

Posted in Advent 2018.