Registration for new events has been turned off. Please contact Suw Charman-Anderson if you have an event to add.



ENUSEC presents: Capture the Flag Competition

Edinburgh Napier University Craiglockhart 219 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Develop and challenge your cyber skills in ENUSEC’s (Edinburgh Napier Security Society) Capture the Flag cybersecurity competition, with challenges based on cryptography, open-source intelligence and more! If you’re at high school (S3-6), college,or university enter on your own or grab up to three of your friends to form a team and put your problem-solving abilities to the test. […]

Women in STEM

As part of the learning process of "Graphics Arts in Basic Professional Training I" we address the issue of the lack of knoledge of the important role of women in the development of sciences in three of the core classes of the course: Basic Computer Science, Reprographic Work and Reprographic Finishing. Basic Computer Science: a […]


Día de Ada Lovelace Costa Rica 2023

National University of Costa Rica Omar Dengo Campus, Avenida 1, Calle 9, Heredia 86, Heredia, Costa Rica

Desde el 2019 la Universidad Nacional, a través del Programa de Investigación en Física Aplicada (Departamento de Física) y, desde este 2023, de la Red UNA STEM (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra y el Mar), ha organizado el Día de Ada Lovelace Costa Rica, con la colaboración […]

Día de Ada Lovelace Costa Rica 2023 [1]

Online Zoom Quesada, Costa Rica

Datos y Género sobre "Calidad de vida de las mujeres que trabajan en el sector digital" Charla a cargo de la estudiante Yirlania Sibaja Monge de la carrera de Ingeniería del Software de la Universidad Técnica Nacional de Costa Rica.


[HYBRID] Stemettes Lunch and Learn

Stemettes International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London, United Kingdom

Stemettes Lunch and Learn Aimed at existing and prospective partners across Industry, Academia and Entrepreneurship in STEAM, Stemettes Lunch and Learn is an event celebrating equity and social justice in line with Ada Lovelace Day 2023. Through this event, Stemettes would like to invite individuals to seek action to build a better STEAM industry for […]


Ada Lovelace Day at bluecove

bluecove 10 New Burlington St, London, United Kingdom

Ada Lovelace Day founder Suw Charman-Anderson will be giving a short talk about Ada Lovelace and answering questions about her life and work, as well as talking about the importance of supporting women in STEM.

AutoRek presents – Trihackathon for High School Seniors

AutoRek The Garment Factory, 10 Montrose Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Join the team at Autorek for this in-person trihackathon hosted by their greatest developers and engineers (with pizza!) AutoRek are hosting a Trihackathon for school leavers 16 + On arrival you will be given a tour of our Glasgow office, and as it is dinnertime, pizza will be available for you to dig into! You’ll […]


Women in STEM – Science Cabaret

Labman Automation Seamer Hill, Stokesley, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

On this evening of short talks, music and entertainment we will be raising awareness of the many milestones achieved by today’s Women in STEM. Come and listen to five inspiring female speakers who will be talking about their research interests, career and successes in our award-winning high-tech robotics factory! The event will take place in […]

Ada Lovelace Day – Laboratori per le Scuole

Casa del Teatro dei Ragazzie e Giovani Corso Galileo Ferraris 266, Torino, Italy

Dalle 9:00 alle 12:30 con turni così suddivisi 9:15 - 10:45 e 11:00-12:15 Laboratori dedicati alle classi della scuola primaria II ciclo e scuola secondaria di I grado. Tre laboratori per ripercorrere la storia dell'informatica partendo dai sistemi più antichi, per arrivare al presente e scoprire insieme quanta informatica c'è nella nostra vita quotidiana.  Informazioni top […]


Día de Ada Lovelace Costa Rica 2023 [2]

Biblioteca Joaquín García Monge Campus Omar Dengo, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Heredia, Costa Rica

Fabricación de sistemas microfluídicos utilizando impresión 3D: retos superados y desafíos futuros Charla a cargo de la estudiante Dessiré Arrieta Murillo de la carrera Ingeniería en Bioprocesos Industriales de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Determinación de la actividad antidiabética y antioxidante de extractos de plantas Charla a cargo de la estudiante María Paula Chiví […]


AutoRek presents – Trihackathon for Job Changers and Higher Ed Students

AutoRek The Garment Factory, 10 Montrose Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Join the team at Autorek for this in-person trihackathon hosted by their greatest developers and engineers (with pizza!) What to expect: AutoRek are hosting a Trihackathon for job changers , those in higher education and anyone looking for a route into tech roles On arrival you will be given a tour of our Glasgow office, […]


Live Podcast Recording with Tandy Nicole

Morgan Stanley Financial Advisors 122 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Join Morgan Stanley for this in-person event as they record their Women in Tech podcast live with Tandy Nicole. What to expect: Tandy Nicole is the award-winning founder of Womennetic, a grassroots community organisation committed to creating channels for marginalized women, particularly asylum seekers and refugees, to get into tech. Tandy has drawn from her own […]


Ada Lovelace, l’incantatrice dei numeri!

Casa del Teatro dei Ragazzie e Giovani Corso Galileo Ferraris 266, Torino, Italy

Conferenza interattiva dedicata alle bambine e bambini dagli 8 anni in su e alle loro famiglie Con Elena Borgi, Responsabile biblioteca e archivio storico dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino e Elia Bellussi, Museo Piemontese dell'Informatica - MuPIn “Incantatrice dei numeri” così Charles Babbage era solito rivolgersi ad Ada Augusta King contessa di Lovelace, più nota come Ada […]


Donne, STEM e la rivoluzione del linguaggio nell’intelligenza artificiale

Biblioteca Archimede – Piazza Campidoglio, 50 Settimo Torinese Piazza Campidoglio, 50, Settimo Torinese, Italy

Con Viviana Patti, dip. Informatica Università di Torino, Silvana Secinaro, dip. Management Università di Torino, Elena Cordani, amministratore unico e CEO di Interlinguae, Stefania Bastianello, Direttore Tecnico di AISLA, Stefano Regondi, direttore generale di NemoLab e Centri Clinici Nemo. Modera Alberto Borgatta, attore, storico e divulgatore del collettivo Borgatta’s Factory. A cura del MUPIN – Museo Piemontese dell’Informatica, in collaborazione con il Forum […]


Día de Ada Lovelace Costa Rica 2023 [3]

Online Zoom Quesada, Costa Rica

Técnicas de localización de molécula única para la investigación de mecanismos moleculares asociados a la formación de memorias y aprendizaje Charla a cargo de Sofía Vargas Hernández, estudiante de doctorado de la Rice University de EEUU.


Warwick’s Ada Lovelace Day celebration

Zeeman Institute, University of Warwick Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom

This year, Warwick's Ada Lovelace Day celebration will take place on Wednesday 19 October 2023 (Week 3 of Term 1) in MS.02.

CSSMeet – Teaching to Inspire Gender Balance

Online, Scotland

CSSMeet – Teaching to Improve Diversity Join us for an exciting online event focused on promoting diversity in computer science education! This meetup is designed for all teachers delivering Computing Science including probationers, primary teachers and PGDE students. You will hear about the landscape of Computing Science with a focus on the gender gap. Together, […]