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Ada Lovelace Day@KAIST – Women in Computing

KAIST, Building N-1 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, Republic Of

School of Computing at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology will host ALD 2016 event, sponsored by Girls' Robot and Microsoft Korea. There will be talks from both a practitioner and an academic who is working in the field of IT and computer science. We welcome students at all levels and from all disciplines […]

Why am I not a geek?

KAIST, Building N-1 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, Republic Of

KAIST School of Computing presents the 3rd edition of its ALD event. This year, we invite Prof. Hyomin Kim to give a talk titled "Why am I not a geek?". The talk will look into how geek culture interacts with gender and other social status for CS students in Korean universities. The talk will be […]



KAIST, Building N-1 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, Republic Of

There will be a talk from Dr. Jiyoung Whang, an assistant professor at Sungkyunkwan University. This event has been moved to 30th October to avoid collision with mid-term exams at KAIST.


Ada Lovelace Day 2019 @KAIST

KAIST, Building N-1 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, Republic Of

KAIST hosts its 5th Ada Lovelace Day on 11th October 2019 for undergraduate/graduate students at KAIST. We have Prof. Uran Oh from Ewha Womens University as the speaker: the talk is titled "Computers as a Tool for Augmenting Human Capabilities" and will introduce the latest research on accessibility in HCI.


If you have any questions about the Ada Lovelace Day events calendar, or have any other problems, please email us. Please note that you CANNOT add an event without registering for an account or logging in FIRST.