You MUST register for an account and log in BEFORE adding your own events, or your data will be lost when you click ‘submit’. Logging in not only helps reduce spam, it will also allow you to edit your events later.



Code & Chips 2016

Trinity Centre 24 Cambridge Science Park, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Code&Chips is a totally free event hosted by ARM and HackLab, filled with Raspberry Pi workshops, demonstrations and hands-on exhibits presented by inspirational members of the Cambridge technology and educational industries including; ARM, Cambridge Science Centre, and Jagex, along with a whole host of other programming enthusiasts and computer geeks intent on spreading the love […]


If you have any questions about the Ada Lovelace Day events calendar, or have any other problems, please email us. Please note that you CANNOT add an event without registering for an account or logging in FIRST.