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Exhibition: Ada Lovelace, The Computing Countess of Kirkby Mallory

The Atkins Building Lower Bond Street, Hinckley

Ada Lovelace spent her childhood years at Kirkby Mallory, Hinckley, where she was encouraged to develop a love of science and mathematics.  Our month long exhibition combines portraits, images, talks and interactive exhibits to bring to the life the relevance of her work.


Spreading Your Wings

Haddo House Methlick, Ellon

As part of the Haddo Arts Festival, the life and work of Ada will be celebrated in a multi-arts performance featuring dance, sound, art, sculptures and image projection. An artist and dancer decided create the piece because Ada Lovelace, daughter of the famous poet, Lord Byron is part of the Gordon family which continues to […]


I Ada Lovelace Day – IF Goiano Campus Ceres

IF Goiano Campus Ceres GO 154, Zona Rural, Ceres

O evento é organizado pelo projeto de extensão e pesquisa Meninas Digitais no Cerrado , projeto pelo qual tem como objetivo primeiro o empoderamento feminino no campo da área da Tecnologia de Informação realizando, para otimo, o estímulo à inserção das alunas do IF Goiano Campus Ceres nos diversos campos de atuação profissional em informática. […]


ALD at Malahide Portmarnock Educate Together National School

Malahide Portmarnock Educate Together National School Malahide Road, Kinsealy

The Malahide Portmarnock Educate Together National School will run a special week in the school celebrating the Ada Lovelace Day with a "SMArTE week". During this week the classes from 1st to 4th will attend a workshop about poetry and we will link the experience with the past experience in Lego and Microbit classes. The […]


Ada Lovelace Week – UNESP Bauru

UNESP - Bauru Av. Eng. Luís Edmundo Carrijo Coube, 14-01, Bauru

Ada Lovelace Week é um evento criado e organizado pelo Centro Acadêmico "Ada Lovelace" (CAAda), o Centro Acadêmico de Computação da UNESP de Bauru/SP no Brasil. Ocorrerá durante os dias 7, 8 e 9 de outubro de 2019 no câmpus da UNESP em Bauru. Teremos palestras e workshops sobre diferentes assuntos relacionados a STEM, além […]
