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All Day

Women in Computing: Her Story

Centre for Computing History 1 Rene Court, Coldhams Road,, Cambridge

Her Story is an interactive exhibition celebrating women who live, breathe and work computing and tech. The focus is on celebrating women who work or have worked in technology through the stories that they can tell. The festival will include an interactive exhibition (included in standard museum admission price) as well as a series of […]


Celebrating women in STEM and higher cognitive functions

School of Psychology University of Birmingham Edgbaston

We celebrated Ada Lovelace Day with a look at the many inspirational women whose work we cover in the Higher Cognitive Functions course: Prof Nicola Clayton Prof Terry Kit-Fong Au Prof Dana Samson Prof Sarah-Jayne Blakemore Dr Shayna Rosenbaum Prof Teresa McCormack Prof Irene Pepperberg Prof Laura Schulz Prof Ellen Langer Prof Cristina Atance

Ada Lovelace Day at the Stephen Perse Foundation

Stephen Perse Foundation Senior School Union Rd, Cambridge

With a sustainability hackathon, talks from speakers such as Catherine Breslin from the Amazon Alexa speech recognition project, assemblies, careers displays, a trip to the Computing museum and a code cracking treasure hunt, we are celebrating Ada Lovelace Day with a bang!


Ada Lovelace – an Artistic Installation

CardiffMet CST and CSM 200 Western Avenue, Cardiff

At entrance of the Cardiff School of Technologies and Cardiff School of Management at Cardiff Metropolitan University we are celebrating Ada Lovelace day (9th of October) with an artistic installation of an image of Ada Lovelace. The machine control of the CNC machine that made the wooden grid holding the balloons was originally conceived by […]


Trevithick Library Wikithon

Cardiff University Trevithick Library Newport Road, Cardiff

Wikipedia session encouraging new editors on subjects related to women and science, technology, engineering and maths.


Ada Lovelace Quiz @ Paddle

Paddle London 15 Bermondsey Square, London

The wonderful ladies at Paddle are organising a breakfast quiz that will test our knowledge in tech history.


Ada College Impact Strategy Launch

The National Theatre Upper Ground, Lambeth, London

Join us for breakfast on 8 October to honour Ada Lovelace Day, when we will celebrate diversity in tech and launch our impact strategy for what's next for Ada as we grow and continue to deliver our mission. Ada is committed to working with industry to design and deliver an education that empowers all of our students, especially young women […]


Sfide di programmazione con Sphero

Opificio Golinelli Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 14, Bologna

In occasione della Europe Code Week Fondazione Golinelli e YOOX-NET-A-PORTER GROUP propongono alle scuole un programma di attività gratuite. Durante questa settimana celebreremo anche l’Ada Lovelace Day, dedicando alcuni workshop proprio a questa icona dell’informatica con l’obiettivo di promuovere la diffusione della cultura digitale soprattutto tra le giovani ragazze. Durante il workshop sperimenteremo la programmazione […]


Ada Lovelace Day 2018 – Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

Aula Magna Campus Folcara via Sant'Angelo in Theodice, Cassino

To the Difference Engine Ada Lovelace, “incantatrice dei numeri” (1815-1852) L’Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale partecipa per il terzo anno, l’8 ottobre 2018, alla giornata mondiale in onore di Ada Lovelace, considerata la prima programmatrice della storia del computer, una giornata che ha come obiettivo ridurre la disparità di genere e il digital […]


Ada Lovelace Day celebration at the School of Mathematical Sciences

University of Southampton, Mathematical Sciences Student Centre Building 56, Highfield Campus, Southampton

13:00 - 13:30: Female mathematicians through history Mathematical Sciences staff and PhD students tell the stories of some female mathematicians, from the 4th to the 21st century. 12:30 - 14:00: Lunch and posters Drop in at any time to enjoy some lunch and have a look at our posters celebrating women's contributions to Mathematical Sciences. […]


Wiki Edit-A-Thon: Women and Diversity in Science

Digital Science WeWork Kings Cross, 90 York Way, London

Join our communal update on 8 Oct from 5-9pm to improve the coverage of women and diversity in science on Wikipedia! Wikipedia is the first to admit that they have some big gender and diversity gaps. In 2011 only 10% of wiki contributors were female and in 2018 only 17% of entries are about women. […]


Taller ¿Qué hacen las apps mientras recogen mis datos? Deconstruyendo la programación de aplicaciones

Medialab-Prado Plaza de las Letras, Calle de la Alameda, 15

¿Sabemos qué hacen nuestras aplicaciones favoritas con nuestros datos? Un taller práctico para aprender sobre la programación y el diseño de aplicaciones desde una metodología lúdica inspirada en el teatro social, una herramienta de reflexión-acción colectiva para todos los públicos. Esta actividad se realiza en el marco de la exposición Glass Room Experience, una iniciativa […]


ThoughtWorks Barcelona and Ironhack present: Ada Lovelace Day

Ironhack Barcelona Carrer de Pamplona, 96, Barcelona

ThoughtWorks Barcelona and Ironhack would like to invite you to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day! About the event: We want to provide a safe and encouraging event where women in any STEM field can share their experiences, passions, and learnings as they forge ahead in their career. If you are interested in speaking at our event […]


Suffrage Science Awards- Maths and Computing

British Library 96 Euston Road, London

The Suffrage Science scheme was founded seven years ago by the Medical Research Council’s London Institute of Medical Sciences (then Clinical Sciences Centre). It celebrates and inspires women in science, creating a self-perpetuating cohort of talent that will encourage others to enter science and reach senior leadership roles. The awards themselves are heirloom items of […]
