ALD Podcast: Episode 1, Dr Helen Czerski & Clive Thompson

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Welcome to the first ever episode of the brand spanking new Ada Lovelace Day podcast, highlighting the work of women in STEM. We’ll be talking to women from around the STEM world about their careers, as well as talking to women and men, about historic and modern women’s achievements, discoveries, and inventions.

In this episode

01:20: We talk to Dr Helen Czerski from University College London about her work as a bubble physicist, and about life on board a research ship.

24:55 We also hear from technology journalist Clive Thompson about Canadian metallurgist and research physicist Ursula Franklin, who’s perhaps most famous for her social and political critique of modern technology, which was published in print as The Real World of Technology. And Clive has written a lovely blogpost summarising the impact Franklin had on him and his career.

Our interviewees

Photo: University College LondonDr Helen Czerski is a physicist and oceanographer at University College London. When she’s not in the lab or on a boat (or doing both at the same time) she presents science programmes for the BBC. Hew new book, Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life, will be published by Transworld in the UK in November, and by Norton in the US, in January. Photo: University College London


Clive ThompsonClive Thompson writes about how technology affects everyday life, and is currently working on his next book, about ‘how programmers think’. He is a contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine and Wired, and author of Smarter Than You Think: How Technology is Changing Our Minds for the Better. Photo: Tom Igoe


Thanks to our sponsor

ARMThis podcast is brought to you thanks to the generous support of ARM, our exclusive semiconductor industry sponsor. You can learn more about ARM on their website at and you can follow them on Twitter at @ARMHoldings.

If you would like to join ARM as a sponsor of the Ada Lovelace Day Podcast, please email Suw Charman-Anderson.

Get in touch!

If you’d like to send us feedback about the show, or if you’d like to take part, please email us. We’re especially interested in hear from men who would like to talk to us about the women in STEM who have influenced them, especially those women who are less well known.

iTunes & Subscriptions

You can now subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher.

Unfortunately, a technical problem with our website is currently preventing us from adding our podcast to iTunes and other podcasting subscription service. We’re working on that, and hopefully we will have that problem solved by next month!

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