Ada Lovelace Day Live
Last year, Ada Lovelace Day Live was held at the Royal Institution. The evening featured talks and performances by mathematician Dr Hannah Fry, musician Caro C, structural engineer Roma Agrawal, geneticist Dr Turi King, TV presenter Konnie Huq, artist Naomi Kashiwagi, technologists Steph Troeth, physicist Dr Helen Czerski and was hosted by our inimitable ALD Live producer, Helen Arney! You can see videos from the evening on the Ri’s YouTube channel, and photographs on Flickr.
Tickets were free for Ri Members and Fellows, £6 for Ri Associates, £8 for Concessions and £12 for everyone else.
Ada Lovelace Day for Schools
The support of the Ri also allowed us to put together an afternoon event for 11 – 16 year olds, exploring the role and work of women in STEM. Speakers included sustainability innovator Rachel Armstrong, neuroscientist Sophie Scott, mathematician Hannah Fry, roboticist and theremin player Sarah Angliss, engineer Roma Agrawal, and dwarf mammoth expert Victoria Herridge, and was hosted by our very own Helen Arney! You can see photos of the schools event on Flickr.
Tickets were £3 per person.