ALD Online 2020 Women in STEM Organisations: 12. Women Engineers Pakistan

Women Engineers Pakistan

Location: Pakistan

Founded in 2013, Women Engineers Pakistan is a network of over 1,000 women and aims to encourage women into engineering, via mentorship and campus ambassador programmes. They hold annual conferences, study jams, and weekly design and development workshops. They also engage in outreach with local schools, and liaise with businesses to provide training sessions for their members, and are currently running a STEM inclusion survey for further research. In 2018, they took part in International Women in Engineering Day and they are a finalist for Falling Walls Remote 2020, in the category Science Breakthrough of the Year.

You can follow their work here:

Twitter: @Women_Engrs_Pk
Instagram: @women_engineers_pakistan
LinkedIn: Women Engineers Pakistan
YouTube: Women Engineers Pakistan

Further reading

Posted in Ada Lovelace Day 2020.